💝前言 Introduction💝
This weekend we held our first major Taipei Steemit Meetup, attended by 10 Steemians. Steemit has developed into a close knit community linking people from all walks of live around the world. We know a lot about one another through our posts, but meeting in person is not always easy. Despite that, quite a few locations around the world have already met up, and in Asia alone, there have been meetups in places such as at Hong Kong, Shanghai, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia etc.
The planning for our meetup started a few weeks ago when our resident designer @catwomanteresa designed our Steemit t-shirts. When the t-shirts were delivered, we were all very excited as it was finally time for our meetup.
這次的台北聚會籌備已久,終於確定我們訂製的Steemit T恤製作完成,從一個星期前,台灣的Steemit用戶們就蠢蠢欲動,止不住的興奮情緒逐漸蔓延開來,到了今天,興奮的情緒有了出口,終於要跟這群網路上相知相惜的好朋友面對面話家常了。
The Chinese version of this post is written by Teresa @catwomanteresa, and the English by myself Pauline @livinguktaiwan. Photos and video clips are courtesy of @shieha @sweetsssj @catwomanteresa
Teresa有幸代表大家執筆寫這次的聚會文,英文部分由 @livinguktaiwan 撰寫。照片及影片由 @shieha @sweetsssj @catwomanteresa提供
💝神秘嘉賓 Mystery Guest💝
To mark this special occasion, we wanted to give you guys a surprise, so invited a mystery guest to join us. Can you guess who that is? Drum roll please ..... please give a big round of applause and welcome the lovely @sweetsssj !!!
Although this was supposed to be a surprise, a certain W member had leaked the news to some other Steemians, now we know why he is so popular on Steemit!

Look at the guys in the photo, they all look so cool and calm now, but you should have seen them when @sweetsssj arrived.

This meetup was a first for everyone include our mystery guest, but it felt like we had all known each other for ages and hit off immediately. Since you couldn't be here with us, let me introduce you to everyone and share some special moments with you.
💝台灣區第一美女The legendary Dean Beauty💝

Those who read about our last mini Taiwan meetup would have noticed that our legendary Dean Beauty @deanliu wasn't there and want to meet him/her this time. In the past, many have asked is Dean a he? Or is it short for Deanie, a her? Ok, let me reveal Dean Beauty's true identity now, another round of drum roll please .....
除了我們的神祕嘉賓之外,萬眾矚目的應該是從上次4人微型聚會之後大家就敲碗期待的劉美女 @deanliu 廬山真面目。今天就為大家揭曉吧!

No, I'm not kidding you guys!
When we were organizing our t-shirts, Dean Beauty ordered a child's size t-shirt. We were all a bit confused as to how come a child could write so many great posts and offer profound advice to us newbies on Steemit. Dean Beauty really liked to keep us in suspense with his/her real identity!
So Dean Beauty's real identity still remains a mystery to everyone!
And don't blame me. Our legendary Dean Beauty isn't called a legend for no reason, he/she doesn't easily grace everyone with an audience!
什麼?! 我耍你們!冤枉呀!
💝實況轉播 Live Broadcast💝
Now I've introduced you to our two master Steemians, let's move onto our actual meetup.

Our meetup venue was at Le Ble D'Or at Eslite Xinyi Store in Taipei. This restaurant is famous for brewing its own beer, and I think it had quite a German/Alps feel inside. The waiters were dressed in traditional costumes from the region, or at least that's what I think they looked like. It's a fantastic place for gatherings like ours, and nobody seemed to mind when we got a bit over excited and rowdy.

Our group has a couple of gourmet experts, so I'm not going to share a lot of food photos with you here, but here's a taster.

And cheers!!! Hurry up and take the photos please, the glass is really heavy!!!
啤酒是金色三麥的特色,當然要來上一杯。嗯..... 這也..... 太大杯了吧?

💝甜心專訪 Interview with Sweetsssj💝
After a few rounds, our resident reporter @wilkinshui wanted to do an interview with @sweetsssj. Personally I think he did a pretty lousy job!
@catwomanteresa提供@wilkinshui 兩杯黃湯下肚,開始發揮搞笑本性,硬拉著Sweet做專訪
💝台北社群聚會的成員 Introducing our attendees💝

All of us come from a diverse and cosmopolitan background, and many of us post bilingual in Chinese and English, helping to bridge the CN community with the rest of the non Chinese speaking Steemit community.
Furthermore, out of the 10 of us 3 have a reputation of over 70. That's quite something on Steemit, so thanks guys for looking after us minnows.
今天參加聚會的10位成員中,就有3位是reputation >70的資深社員,多謝他們帶領著新人們一起成長。
Before I introduce each of us, let me show you this video first so you will know who is who. By the way, please don't mind Teresa, she's had a few and is a bit excited, I really had difficulty controlling her!

@ygern is from Malaysia, he came here to study his Masters, then decided he liked it here so much that he did't want to go home. He used to work in publishing and is currently freelancing as a translator (aka Watching The Games of Thrones when he's supposed to be working). Ygern has great insight into a wide range of topics, and this is reflected in the quality of his posts.
@ygern 他來自馬來西亞,在台灣結束了研究生的身份之後,就留在台灣開創自己的另一段人生,現在主要從事英文翻譯的工作。看起來靦腆不多話的他,寫起文章感情細膩且有敏銳的觀察力,非常值得大家去他的部落格挖寶。

@wilkishui is from Hong Kong. If you know him already, you probably know what's he's (really) like, and if you don't know him, well ... don't is my advice! Just kidding, he offers some great advice and insight into cryptocurrency and great eateries around Taipei, so do check him out.
During our self introduction ice breaker round, he was the only person who shamelessly gave himself a round of applause, and we all naturally followed suit, you should have seen the smug on his face when he succeeded in getting a round of applause from everyone.
@Wilkinshui 他來自香港,根據他的說法,他是全公司最自由的人。通常公司除了老闆之外,還有誰有這樣的特別待遇呢?難道是...... 老闆的小三?難怪要千里迢迢離開香港留在異鄉工作,辛苦哂你~

@azazqwe created his Steemit ID because he said it was easy to type with one hand on the keyboard (now you're all checking your keyboard aren't you?). Honestly? How lazy can one get?
Pettren currently works in his family owned art gallery, check out his post if you are an art lover.
@azazqwe 大家可以叫他Pettren。他目前在家中開的畫廊工作,所以我們都戲稱他「富二代」。

@shieha is Aaron and is our third master Steemian with over 70 reputation.
He grew up in Canada and came back to Taiwan after graduating from university.
To say photography is Aaron's hobby is a bit of an understatement, his works on Steemit is definitely at a professional level. If you haven't seen his works, I urge to go there now
(not now now, but after you finished reading this post).
@shieha 他叫Aaron,是這次台北聚會中第三個重量級人物。Aaron從小就移民到加拿大,直到大學畢業才回到台灣工作。在Steemit,Aaron是大師級的攝影達人,他所分享的攝影作品經常令人讚嘆他的美感與創意。沒見面完全沒有料到原來年紀這麼輕,真是後生可畏。

@livinguktaiwan that's me, Pauline. I'm a BBC (British Born Chinese) and come from England. I have previously worked in Hong Kong for a period of time, as well as a long time London. Last year I decided to take a career break and moved to Taiwan, hence my site name living-uk-taiwan. I blog about my travels, and snippets of my life in both UK and Taiwan. (Advert time) Please visit @livinguktaiwan. Please visit @livinguktaiwan. Please visit @livinguktaiwan.
@livinguktaiwan 她本名叫Pauline,從小在英國長大。現在在台灣過著暫時退休的生活,閒時寫寫Steemit文章,跟大家分享到世界各地旅遊的奇聞軼事。Pauline說退休好像感覺很老,她只是暫時休息不工作。天知道,我多希望這麼年輕就可以退休不用工作。
@lydiachan is the girl from next door who everybody adores, everyone who has met her (physically or virtually) immediately warms to her. Her posts takes you around Taiwan, so if you're looking to eat and play in Taiwan, you know whose site to go to now. Lydia likes to competes in different Steemit challenges, but since her speciality is in procrastination so sometimes its a bit of a hit and miss.
@lydiachan 她是在CN區相當受到大家喜愛的鄰家妹子,獨特的魅力讓她跟每個人都感覺像認識很久的好朋友。她的文章帶著大家吃遍玩遍台灣各個角落,想要挖掘台灣不為人知的美麗,跟著她就對了。
Lydia自稱是個平凡的上班族,不過我們發現她跟 @wilkinshui 一樣,上班非常輕鬆自在,他們兩個的公司大概是台灣最有人性的兩間公司了。
@catwomanteresa is Teresa, you've probably figured out by now she's a cat lover. Teresa is computer animator, and studied her Masters in computer animation in the States. She designed our Steemit t-shirt and all the amazing graphics in this post. Also do checkout her award winnig graphics on her site.
(Did I mention Teresa and I volunteered to write up this post so we could get more airtime to promote our site? Please visit @livinguktaiwan )
Apart from blogging about her foodie and travel journeys, Teresa often post great tips on how to make simple graphics that you can use on your site.
@catwomanteresa 就是小妹在下我啦!我的正職工作是電腦動畫師,之前在美國修電腦動畫的碩士。我的主頁上的橫幅,就是我多年前曾經得獎的3D電腦繪圖作品喔!
(某某:你怎麼偷打廣告? 貓女:這是我寫聚會文的特權,不服氣咬我啊!)

Last and not the least is @honeybee, Alvin. He is from the States and is currently living in Taipei. He normally posts in English but said now he's going to hang around the CN community more.
Alvin is a bit of an expert on cryptocurrency and investment, seems like @wilkinshui has a new buddy.
@honeybee 這位帥哥對於台北的Steemit用戶們來說是個新朋友,他叫Alvin,是甜心在英國的同學,在Steemit活躍於英文區,所以CN區的大家對他比較陌生。
💝未來的展望 Future outlook 💝
Our meetup lasted throughout the whole afternoon as we had so much to talk about including ideas on how to help develop Steemit. The UK team led by @stephenkendal are doing a great job in promoting Steemit at universities and around UK, maybe the CN community can do the same very soon.
Another thing that we could look to do is to help upvote Steemians from the developing countries, as a couple of $ for their post would mean a lot to them and help out their families.
Compared to Steemians from the more developed countries, they may not think much of say 50 Steem for a post. So if we could focus on quality posts from Steemians in developing countries we could hopefully help to grow Steemit exponentially, making this a better community for everyone.
Teresa said starting today she's going to Africa to spread the love. Hey guys, can you see the halo above her?
而相較其他生活水平較高的國家,一篇文章得到50Steem的收益,可能還覺得太少不屑一顧。若是我們能分些精力照顧點讚這些用戶中的優質文章,他們從Steemit上面就可以賺到全家溫飽,如此一來一定可以吸引更多用戶來加入。 Steemit的總用戶若能超過百萬以上,應該可以順利引起關注,吸引廣告主挹注,到時Steemit的幣值更容易可以風生水起,相信這是大家所樂見的。
We also discussed the possibilities of co-operative postings, how the experienced Steemians can help newbies find their feet in this complex world, and basically growing Steemit. There are technical issues that needs to be resolved first, but I think we're on a good start here. Watch this space.

本篇收益用於台北聚會花費 Payout from this post will be used to fund our First Taipei Steemit Meeting
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