Travel with me in Venice -- |威尼斯的泪 像琉璃易碎|


威尼斯的泪 像琉璃易碎
说到感情有人懂得转换 有人太绝对
威尼斯的泪 在午夜梦回
其实明明了解 就是在当时 解不开死结


These words are from one Chinese song, one old song uses Venice as its theme. My habit is that listening one song circulated until I meet another one can let me feel it deserved listen many times. I listened this song almost 15 years ago, venice is just one city of water in my mind at that time; nobody knows I can live in Italy almost 6 years until now. However, the first time I visited Venice is my fifth year in Italy. After communicating with many people, I realized this is a common issue happened to many people, that people always go to visit the far places and ignore the near places.


Venice was the capital of Republic of Venice. It was the biggest import seaport in Italy, another important seaport is Genoa. All the mass goods import and export in Europe need these two seaport cities. Therefore, Venice became the economic center at that age, however, with the development of traffic and transportation, the whole europe does not need depend on these two ports any more, Venice becomes a very famous tourism destination right now by its "Queen of the Adriatic".


现在的威尼斯主要分为三个部分,内陆部分(Venediz Mester),主岛部分(Venediz Lucia)和几个外岛。所以威尼斯有两个火车站(火车站名分别是Mester和Lucia),一个在内陆,一个在主岛。这两个火车站离得很近,一个跨海大桥相连,应该只有十分钟的车程。我建议住在内路上,然后乘火车上主岛去玩。一方面内陆的宾馆比主岛便宜很多,另一方面主岛上蚊子真的太多了,我从威尼斯回来被蚊子咬的去医院了。连接两个火车站的火车平均十分钟左右就有一班,所以住在内陆也非常方便。

Venice is composed of three parts, the inland part (Venediz Mester),the main island part (Venediz Lucia) and several outer islands. So Venice has two train stations, one is in the inland, the other is on the main island. The two railway stations are very close, a cross-sea bridge connected them. It should only costs about ten minutes from one to the other by train. I suggested you stay on the inland, and then take the train on the main island to play. On the one hand the inland hotel is much cheaper than the main island, on the other hand the island really has too many mosquitos. There is train connected two stations in every 10 to 15 mins which is very convenient.



There are several important attractions you have to visit, otherwise you will miss the beauty of Venice. Piazza San Marco, Basilica San Marco, Campanile di San Marco, Ponte Rialto and Ponte dei Sospiri in the main island; there are also two outer islands deserved to visit, Murano and Burano. There is no doubt that you should take the Gondola in Venice to feel this city.



If you have time, welcome read my other articles, hope you enjoy it.
Typical Italian Young People Friday Night Life -- 最道地的意大利年轻人度过周五晚上的方式
How Italian people like wine -- 意大利人是有多么热爱红酒
The mysterious ruby-coloured liquor in Turin Italy -- 意大利都灵最神秘的红宝石色烈酒
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National Museum of Cinema --【意大利国家电影博物馆】-- |Mole Antonelliana tower| -- I

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