Got a charitable cause you support on the Steem Block Chain or Steemit/ChainBB/ sites? Read on...

Hey again, Steemitizens!

I believe there is power in numbers, and you must be Strong To Be Useful as my good friend @malos10 has pointed out in the linked post there, so now, I am expanding on YouAreHOPE's spirit of my old mantra, "Teemwork Makes The Steem Dreem Work", which you all recall from my radio days all summer as one of my personal cliche' offerings to the world.

Things that have crossed my screen either inbound to me or outbound from me lately.

Teemwork makes the steem dreem work. *me
Be strong to be useful. * @malos10
A rising tide lifts all ships. * common theme lately
Kindness costs nothing! * @crimsonclad

I just posted this in our YouAreHOPE Discord Chat Community, now boasting almost 100 members in our first week and a half of telling people we existed!

Here is the transcript, if you cannot read the image:

SirCork (Witness) - Today at 6:54 AM Got a charitable cause or concern you fundraise for on steem's transparent blockchain? Tell us about it, in the general channel and we may build you your own channel here in the halls of the new YouAreHOPE Coalition of Causes, where we can bring together people with giving and generous hearts with lots of opportunities to help, get involved and do more together. This is not intended to replace your existing communities, but to give you a home here in YAH as well. An outpost, if you will, in a basecamp with like minded folks. Those, who with different goals, and means and ways, seek only to make the world a better place. Let's work together to deliver Help, Opportunity, Purpose & Empowerment. HOPE.




See you in your new coalition room.

Contact me about it today.

An alliance for combined action.

Standing by for responses. Ready to make some new discussion channels to support you!

Hit me up!

So do that! Hit me up if you or your organization or project fit the description!


I am declining payout on this post, in hopes that might encourage spreading it further. Donations and Delegations still always welcome at @YouAreHOPE to support the Foundation's work in many countries at once, right now! Steem wallet operators (that's you!) are always standing by, am I right? :D :D


Yours in service,
Founder: @YouAreHOPE
Top 100 Steem Witness

PS: I never ask for this, but this one is free and about doing some real good with others for others. Resteem it maybe please, so it can get to the right sets of eyes all around this big old joint? This one time? Just for me? Please? Thanks!

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