How steemit changed my life: Be strong to be useful

Be strong to be useful


Lately this phrase has resonated a lot in my mind and in my life ... and that is because is not just motto of parkour (The discipline that has shaped me).It's a way of seeing life, it makes you think of yourself first to help others.

And what do you need to be strong?



You will never be a successful person copying others or working for someone else.

It is good to be influenced by someone else or what happens in other countries but you have to do what is yours, that is not the same as anything, that identifies you from the rest ... Life changes a lot and you have to be aware of the changes and the change will only happen if you have your corner, your footprint, your identity well marked. There are thousands of people wanting to be successful and they are only going to achieve it, they have their own identity, a unique signature.


You must be willing to make the necessary sacrifices to achieve your goal.

Sometimes you will need to postpone plans that you wanted but it was not what you really needed to reach your goal.
Many times you will decide between what you want to do and what you should do.
Your life must go in line with your goals, do you know what you want? go for it .


You must know that achieving your goal will not be easy, and in those difficult times you should remember yourself:

If it were easy, anyone could do it.

The determination to continue through these difficult times is what will make the difference

Many people give up just before they reach their goal.


You must believe with all your heart that in the end the effort will be worth it.

If you work hard, time will put all the pieces in place and it will be up to you to be prepared for the opportunities that may arise from that point.

Ok, but what does all this have to do with my life?

I want to tell you a story, my story and how steemit has helped me to become strong.

Before starting in steemit all i did was study and train (Parkour), if i was not studying then i was training.
I tried to reduce my expenses practically to 0 to not be a burden for my parents, since in Venezuela the situation is very difficult and if I could not contribute, it was not going to be a burden either.

I was on summer vacations and with a lot of free time I could train a lot and that's what I did, I got to improve my level in parkour, I felt that I was 130% of my abilities. I felt stronger than ever! And just one day before meeting steemit something happened: I injured my ankle. I had a 2nd degree sprain on my right ankle, which left me with a cast in bed for 2 weeks and the doctor told me I could not do Parkour for at least 6 months while the ankle recovery.

I felt that everything I had was taken away

What I did not know was that in that time of rest at home I would change my life: I discovered Steemit.

The day after the injury I was surfing the internet and someone mentioned Steemit and told me that they pay to generate content, I decided to investigate and enter the page and the first thing I found were posts with $ 100-500

It seemed very wonderful to be true

So with 2 weeks of absolute rest and a lot of desire to improve I decided to register in steemit and try my luck. During the first days I dedicated myself to soaking up knowledge about Steemit, I dedicated myself to learn its rules, how steemit work and what differentiated good users from excellent ones.

A little fish discovering an immense sea full of whales, dolphins and fish shoals

I could quickly realize that what makes Steemit great is his community.

So I had to make friends, make connections, make myself noticed.

I thought What am I good at? What do I have to offer to the community?

Besides Parkour, I'm good at designing, making videos and animations. So that's what I focused on.

I took my skill and created something of value for the Steemit community:

I'm giving away an animation for the Steemit community [And I can customize it for you]

I'm gifting 3 Motion Graphic Animations For the steemit community

[Original Work] Animated Steemit Gifs For Your Steemit Posts

And I was really surprised by the result, people liked my designs !! and I began to get orders, some were free, others gave me tips. Then came the most serious and difficult jobs for which I began to charge my first SBD.

With each gif given and with each work done began to make me notice a little more, today there are several people use my gifs in their posts, to name one: @papa-pepper

Thanks to these "gifts" to the community I got to know @sircork, who without knowing it, would become my elder brother and my support in steemit.

I mentioned him an idea that I had in mind and it was:

Help people who are on the street with the earns that i had generated thanks to the steemit community.

For me it was just an idea, I did not know what could happen. And @sircork without hesitation supported me, gave me the necessary tools to carry out this idea ...

But there i was, at home with a plaster and without possibilities of going out of home.

The days passed and I was finally able to take off the plaster and walk again. And thanks to the community I was able to fulfill one of my dreams in this life:

Thanks to steemit i can give food to homeless people

The post was received incredibly well !! Many people were interested in the project and also many people were interested in steemit.

I felt fulfilled, I had a new project to start, many people to help and then something happened:

I got sick with a virus and not just me ... My dad and mom also got sick at the same time and my family was not going through a very good situation, let's say ... It was impossible for my father to pay for the medications of the three.

But I had already generated some SBD with the animations, so I used part of that money to buy medicine for all three, to buy food that would feed us and help us fight the virus.

For the first time I began to help my parents monetarily

we spent two weeks sick. (Two weeks more in home and in bed aff :( ).

Without being able to do what I love the most and now sick in bed I felt weaker than ever. But I knew something had changed, now I had Steemit.

I had the necessary tools to carry out the project, now I just had to recover, to be strong again in order to be useful.

Everything happens for a reason and even in bad things we can find something good. (Yin Yang)

And it is that if perhaps I had not been injured my ankle I would not have put so much effort on Steemit and I would not be here now writing this post and helping people on the street.

Today I find it interesting to think how one thing led to the other and now I am here, stronger than ever and because i'm strong I can be useful.

I am happy to announce that I will not have classes all December and that thanks to the support of @sircork, @YouareHope and the Steemit community we will help many more people on the streets throughout December.

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