Color Challenge Saturday Indigo: Dark Pigment in Berries Unlocks Super Health Powers!

These photo color challenges are actually a super fun & valuable way to share a taste of our lifestyle with you!

Rows of blackberry bushes grow on our property, which make perfect subjects for Saturday Indigo. Just look at those beautiful phytonutrients!! The dense pigments indicate the plump, juicy berry is bursting with super healthful compounds like antioxidants that support real THRIVAL of the body! 

Blackberries are super charged with:

  • vitamin E
  • vitamin C
  • fiber
  • antioxidants
  • anti-inflammatories
  • anti-cancer pigments
  • awesome flavor

And they grow right up out of the Earth in our garden. 

😍 🌱 

Our sweet Noki girl has just turned 4 years old, and she has been harvesting "pick-me's" & "eat-me's"--as she calls the ripest blackberries--for the freshest feasting since she was less than 2! She is primally drawn to the tastiest fruits, which just happen to have the highest levels of healthful compounds in them, and it is a joyful game for her to spend time with the "pick-me's" in the garden. 

And check out these deep indigo mulberries that grow wild on our trees in the back too! The amazing color indicates that it's another super food packed with potent plant power! 

We hope to inspire you to eat some indigo things to activate radiant health!

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