Colourchallenge Friday BlueSky - Annisquam Lighthouse

Annisquam Pano.jpg

Annisquam Harbor Lighthouse
First built in 1801, this light stands 45 feet tall. It's 7.5 inch, 5th order Fresnel Lens is visible to 14 miles. The light flashes White, every 7 and half seconds, with a Red Sector. This light guides fishermen returning into Gloucester Harbor.

It was tricky getting out into Wigwam point in the Annisquam neighborhood of Gloucester. Frankly, it's all private roads, so, only locals and Coast Guard personnel are in that area. Pity me, as I somehow got lost on my way around Gloucesterand ended up at exactly the correct place to get my photos of this Lighthouse.

I shot some 50 or so lighthouse shots that day, between two lights. A little work in Lightroom, and I built this two image Panorama. I thought it was perfect for The Color Challenge - Friday BlueSky - Photo Challenge started by @kalemandra. #colorchallenge #photocontests

More of my ColourChallenge Series

Monday Red
Tuesday Orange
Wednesday Yellow
Thursday Green
Friday Blue
Saturday Indigo
Sunday Purple

Geeky Camera Stuff:
Nikon d7000, 18mm, f13, 1/640th, Adobe Lightroom for the Pano, and some Photoshop to clean up the image of some water spots (light misty rains).

!steemitworldmap 42.661968 lat -70.681562 long Annisquam Lighthouse Pano d3scr

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