The Hand of An Artist

Say hello to my flower hand art!

I tried out different colored pens and brands and this is what it turned out. Was experimenting on random pens to use for body art then because I like temporary art on my skin. Temporary art that would last longer than an hour or a day.

the artist hand.jpg

I went home with that on my hand. Hahaha! Of course it came off after I washed my hand. Maybe I'll post my henna experiment soon.

It's not a recent photo though. Throwback two years ago. :P Oh wait, today is Thursday!


All rights reserved.
© Art x Stephanie Rue

Want some more? You can check my other posts below that are still within the 7 day period upon posting this:

That Kraken Wall Art
My very first mural project.

Say Hello to Captain Jack Sparrow
Art contests are loooove. I get to draw stuff I wouldn't normally draw.


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