Colourful Houses in Olinda, Brazil

O, linda! is Portuguese for "Oh, how pretty!". Apparently, this was the first expression that came to the mind of the Portuguese explorers when they first set foot in this place and founded one of the continent's oldest European settlements.
Their first impression was very right; Today, Olinda has a beautiful colourful old town. Actually, every house has its own special colour! The reason for this is that until some years ago, addresses were not referred to as "51 Main Street", but as "that blue house next to the yellow house and the one with the slightly purple-reddish touch in Main Street". At some point, that became too complicated, but luckily the colours stayed!

35mm, f9, 1/1000; Click on image to enlarge

Camera Gear

The camera I used for these photos is a Sony A37 (APS-C) with a Sony DT 18-135 mm F3,5–5,6 SAM lens.

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