Here's a video where the previously posted comic pages are compiled into a motion comic!
POLIS: The Trial of Socrates
A historical graphic novel that examines the events leading up to the trial and execution of Socrates in ancient Athens. In this scene, the leader of the newly installed Spartan puppet government condemns a man to die, and Socrates tries to stop it.
Art by Daniel Becker.
Colored by Luca Blugheroni.
Previous colored pages: Page 14-15 | Page 16 | Page 17 | Page 18 | Page 19 | Page 20
Due to my previous work on Lesbian Zombies from Outer Space, I planned ahead when working with the artists on these pages. I asked that both the illustrator and the colorist deliver layered files so I could better work with them in Final Cut when I made the motion comic.
I brought all of these into Final Cut, and I was able to make the characters move around in spots where I thought it counted. With the help of voice actors, music, and SFX, I think it turned out pretty good!
Thanks for your support and any feedback! Your upvote is definitely appreciated. I hope you'll stick around and watch it all come together.