Speed Drawing Comic Page | Comic Update #8

We're switching things up a little bit in this post with a video! I always wanted to try to screen capture some part of the art process and I finally got around to trying it. So this was a little bit of an experiment. I used QuickTime to record me inking page 6 of my comic and I think it went pretty well; I was super afraid that nothing would end up getting recorded or that it would slow down my computer too much. But it all worked out.

I'm just warning you now, it's pretty long so I won't be offended if you skip it or don't watch the whole thing. I think if I plan on doing more of these in the future, they will definitely be shorter.

But if you are curious to actually see how I ink my page, here you go:

You made it!

[If you watched the video] Wow, you made it through that way-too-long video! Congrats
(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ Scroll down for inked pages 5 & 6.

[If you skipped it] Listen buddy, I understand. Your time is valuable. No worries, you can still see some art down below!

Page 5


We have a new character introduced, Top Hat McGee. By popular vote, his actual name is Everett. He's a well-off tailor with whom the main character will be employed under. I don't think I ever revealed the main character's name yet; I'm not 100% settled on it but I'm leaning towards Imelda. I'm still shopping around for more Victorian era names, so if you have a favorite old-timey names feel free to leave them in the comments below.

Page 6


This was the page where the fun kicked in for me. Up until this point, inking these page had been a bit of a struggle and I wasn't too happy about how things were coming out. But 6 pages later, I started to become excited again about this project.

Thanks for reading!

End Questions:

  1. Would you like to see more speed draw videos from me in the future?
  2. Which male celebrity do you think Top Hat McGee Everett was inspired by?
  3. If you had to name a comic, hypothetically taking place in the Victorian era about the spiritualist movement, what would you title it? Hypothetically, of course.

[insert comic name here] is a gothic style story set in the 19th century about an immigrant houseworker who uses the spiritualist movement to rebel against the societal pressures of the time. If you would like to read the previous updates about this story, you can find them in the links below:

Update 1
Update 2
Update 3
Update 4
Update 5
Update 6
Update 7

If you'd like to keep up with more of my work you can check me out at the following:

Instagram: @la.fumettista
Tumblr: http://la-fumettista.tumblr.com/tagged/art
Twitter: @TheresaChiechi
Website: https://www.theresachiechi.com/

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