Next Up! : Steem-Music X Team Malaysia Babes Chillax Nite & More Women Community Activities.


So what’s happening right after the Team Malaysia Babes first meet up & gathering last Sunday?

While we ladies have suggested plans like ladies movie nights to regular coffee catch ups to workout date, we were grateful to learn that with our new found friends, brothers from the #Steem-Cartoon & #Steem-Music community, have invited us to their gigs at Liberal Latte this 10th March!. See @perennial latest post HERE.

When @perennial suggested that we should introduce the babes to the rest of the talented community, I thought this is a great idea! More friends and more collaborations!

So I made him promised to get the folks at #Steem-Music to play songs from the 70s right up to 90s! And he said okay! Lols.

Then we realised that since he is of legal background and many women these days didn’t really know about their legal rights when they are in abusive relationships, so we thought why not share some info with them over a short talk so they can share with the rest of the ladies within their circle.


You see, women loves to share. If the information is not so relevant for them they would definitely share it with those who might be benefited from it within their network.

I have seen groups of women in social media discussion groups talking about relationships and often, they do not know where they stand in case something happens to them. There were a lot of responses from these women but no mention on how law can be used to protect them.

But the highlight of the show is not so much on the talk but rather the music! And we would love everyone to just mingle away and chill.

Since it’s a FREE invitation to all, we are extending our hands to invite all Steemians to come and swing by too.

RSVP is simple, just leave a reply below and we will roughly know who will be coming over. Just come! There is no red carpet waiting but genuine friendships!

So the other part where we will talk about working together would be coming up with the followings:


Introducing Steemit to more women (targeting single moms and women that are in transition phase, OR women that simply want to earn extra). The objective is to educate them on what Steemit is all about by reaching out to those that have been blogging for a while now (but earns nothing) and looking for alternative ways to earn.

I have experimented this idea much earlier in October (2017) for an upcoming event in November (2017) where I organized a Women only event, HER Conference (okay, there were men too lah) and invited @bitrocker2020 to do an intro.

It turned out to be one of the most anticipated topic of the day. And seeing some of the participants on Steemit today eventually came on board and became part of Team Malaysia Babes gave me the confidence that we need to do MORE of this outreach and I couldn't be more than HAPPY to continue this effort and grow Women community since I also manage a Women platform, WonderWomen Asia.

So during our recent meet up, we casually chatted about the event, the responses and subsequently exchanged ideas with @perennial and @coloringiship (since they are the seniors!) on what we can do to move forward. Excited with the initiatives discussed, we agreed to work together and get the rest of the community to involve. So do support us in this please, we've got loads to learn too. We welcome collaborations.

We look forward to welcome #sndbox support on our Women Community outreach activities!


Apart from introducing Steemit, we also agree to empower women with legal knowledge in order to protect themselves, whether its related to domestic violence, child custody, proprietary rights in marriage, child abuse and also business.

They are welcomed to ask any questions (related to the above mentioned) during the talks to our resident legal man (ehem!) @perennial, who is kind enough to offer his advise at no charge. If the matter is too complicated, @perennial will take it separately (and personally). We understand this as some women are not comfortable to ask in the open.


We wish to reiterate that Team Malaysia Babes were created to provide sisterhood support to all women - it doesn't matter who they are or what's their status. We do not categorise women according to their status. There is no such thing as single moms or successful women in the group. To us, all women are equal. In our (very tiny!) community we have single women, single moms, successful women, happily married women and lots more. We simply cannot pinpoint who SHOULD join us. As long as you are a woman or feel womanly, you are welcome to come onboard!

So how can you support us? Simple:

  1. Spread the word about our initiatives.
  2. Share the posters on your social media.
  3. Tag your women friends.

More to come soon, but we shall take this one at a time.

Meditating for more ideas,lols!

If you have any collaboration ideas, do share!



Something About Angiechin28

Angie Chin is a Mom with a mission and founder of WonderWomen.Asia (coming soon), the first online portal in Malaysia that connects Women to affordable online learning, community activities, shareable contents, events, jobs and go-to market opportunities. At home, she’s a mommy to a 10 year old daughter, 6 furbabies + a grown babe. She loves travelling, cooking, exploring new food, reading and watching re-runs on Youtube.

Regularly posting up her ramblings and sharing contents (current favorites are Facebook & Instagram), she fell head over heels with Steemit after realising it’s the only platform that allows ANYONE to earn cryptocurrency by creating and posting up contents, even by liking, voting or commenting other people’s contents!

Whatever you do on the platform, you will earn. Isn’t that awesome?

To start earning, sign up for Steemit already! Post up your original contents and you can almost start seeing the ka-ching in your account before you know it. Best of all, it is FREE (Love the word FREE).

Life tagline (for now): Never be afraid to try anything once!

Drop her a note at

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