What is the BuddyUP combo?


Two's company

Seek out the genuine


The first channel you will encounter when visiting BuddyUP is #welcome-to-buddyup. There is a wide range of various channels and features to unlock, but two of them will be there from the beginning.

post-spot & request-a-bud

These two channels will not only help you find your place within BuddyUP, they'll also help you find better followers. I'm going to briefly break down what it means to have genuine followers because it's important to know why the number of followers you have, doesn't always equal how successful you are here.

Having 1000 followers may look nice at the top of your blog, but if 98% of those followers are bots, people you've lost touch with or other members of Steemit who have just added you randomly, you'll never see 1000 people voting on your posts. How does this benefit us in the long run and does having 1000 followers really matter if they never connect and share their thoughts about our work?

The main focus we should all have is to find genuine and interested people on the platform who support who we are and what we do. This helps us receive honest feedback on our present work and encouragement for the future.

It's connection. The true and valuable connection that will stick with us while we grow here.

Your people


Finding brilliant content is always a great thing. We all enjoy finding a post that excites and interests us and it's an added bonus when it adds some serious value to our lives.

What happens when you find this type of content through somebody else in the post-spot channel on BuddyUP?

You instantly have something in common.


source - photo by tim mossholder

Being able to talk about our interests and share our perspective, with somebody who is listening, makes a huge positive impact on our learning. Not to mention, it also helps us build a stronger relationship with the person we are sharing it with.

We all somewhat desire money, whether it's so we can buy a sports car and ride a jet ski in the Bahamas or if it's for financial freedom and the ability to design our lives for ourselves.


Learning and growing are how we achieve this. Not everyone can learn at rapid speeds and not everyone can grow that fast either. On average, it takes time. So how can we make the most of the time that we have?

1-2 combo


Post-spot and request-a-bud. They are intertwined and magic together on so many levels. I'll explain them both super briefly so you can understand what I mean, when I share why they are the most important features in BuddyUP.

They aren't anything too exciting on the outside, but when you consider what I shared previously about finding genuine followers, the penny may drop. The combo works well together because it provides the opportunity to find somebody new to engage with and it also gives you the avenue to share any of their content you enjoy.


Basic pairing bot which pairs you up with another member of BuddyUP for 48 hours.


The first promotion channel unlocked where you can only share other peoples posts.


source - photo by raw pixel

First of all, you've shown your new Buddy that you appreciate their work and you're willing to support them. Secondly, if anyone else in the group enjoys that post and expresses their thanks to you for sharing it, they've also shown support.

Your BuddyUP just grew +1, and it's not even close to the 48-hour mark!

When we share within our community like this and connect with people with similar interests, it strengthens the relationships we have here on the platform and helps us grow in the future.

Can we just share our Buddy's posts?


Post-spot is there so that we can share any post that we enjoy, it doesn't need to be from a BuddyUP member. The best part about the channel is when somebody drops in a post made by someone outside of the community. There are so many posts out there that we are all finding, which deserve to be looked at by more people.


source - photo by adam jang

Whenever somebody is browsing post-spot and they find something they like from another member, they can drop by to the post and leave a meaningful comment to show their appreciation for the content. Rather than outwardly promoting our community to people in the comments with banners and big flashy arrows to the link, we leave a simple line at the end of the comments to show the author how we found their work.

@calumam shared this with us in BuddyUP, if you'd like to drop by and check out the community you can visit our SafeLink [here](https://steemit.com/buddyup/@buddyup/you-are-in-the-safe-zone).

This not only shows the author that you enjoyed the post, it also shows them that somebody else liked it too. We also use the SafeLink to help the user feel secure if they decide to drop by.

a couple of fantastic comments from @penderis and @tamala

Oh yeah, for any of you who are looking for that little monetary incentive... we will always upvote any comments that use the SafeLink when there is a genuine comment supporting it.

Red flags and warnings come out when spam is attached...



It's no surprise that Connection is the first topic for our Drop in the Ocean show on Friday. It's what we are all about here at BuddyUP. Finding genuine friends and followers matters a great deal, it's important for your growth and sanity here on Steemit. We are trying our very best to get our rewards fruitful enough so you can all grow financially with BuddyUP, but consider if priorities are purely money driven or if it's how you grow with others on the platform.

To make good of that statement, until the payout date of this post, if you drop by to the BuddyUP community and send @calumam a direct message in Discord saying; "I'm ready to spot some posts!", you'll receive free membership.

I look forward to seeing you!

We all grow together


This has been @calumam, thanks for reading.

All headers are sourced from unsplash.com

top image: source - photo by guille pozzi

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