Lost in Translation - Connecting Steemit's Communities // 스팀도 통역이 되나요?

Hello culture lovers! Today I want to do something that I think encompasses a real reason I love this platform Steemit. My career, my Steemit account, and my personal self are all dedicated to sharing and nurturing rich culture all around the world. I want to bring a lot of that practice to this site and community.

One community I’ve been part of closely is the #kr one which has seen an incredible surge of engagement and diversity in content production. It fills me with great pride to know that average Koreans have come into this community and transformed their hobbies and daily under-respected interests into full-fledged value mechanisms on Steemit.

The barrier that caused a bit of misunderstanding is obviously the language one. Many community leaders put great effort into bilingual posts, but unfortunately many great content creators either don’t post in english or even if they do, their value and experiences are underestimated into simpler posts.

I want to take this opportunity and hopefully do so continuously in the future to showcase and “culturally translate” some of these new members. The aim is to offer their unique value to the international community as well as help adjust them to the broader platform outside the #kr community. I’ve gotten great feedback from my international friends on my HanSpot series and body of Korean-based content. I know that a great deal of their value will also resonate no matter where you come from.

So let’s try it out! I’ll be looking at 3 relatively new users today and focus on some of their unique posts that highlight the idiosyncrasies of Korean culture and life.

Korean Farmscape Shot with Drones

@Jay4u does a wonderful post and practice that highlights the average Korean countryside, transforming them into incredible aerial photography with his drone camera. Currently in Korea, farmscapes and rural areas are constantly being drained of manpower, interests, and resources due to mass migrations towards major metropolitan cities. The respect for the countryside worker is increasingly diminished. This is a fantastic technique to really capture the beauty and integrity of a part of Korea untainted by rapid commercial development.

@Jay4u’s account is full of incredible adventures that capture both the iconic and mundane with incredible artistry.

Learn How to Make Kimchi

@Aloha-mylife’s account is dedicated to his life as a typical father in South Korea. His dedication to his children is showcased with simple but very productive posts on building furniture, making traditional kimchi, and proudly sharing his life with his children.

If you’re ever curious what daily culture is like for a normal Korean family, do check out his account. You’ll find no artificial glitz and glam, no kpop, no nonsense. You’ll find what he describes as his life as a “Korean Big-Daddy.”

Steemit-Funding the Korean Language

@Successtrainer recently did an incredible post of how he wants to recoup the traditional Korean language through Steemit. During Korea’s occupation by the Japanese in the late 19th up to the mid-20th century, many national heroes paid top dollar to protect national relics and age-old documents which are now considered UNESCO treasures. His post highlights these noble efforts and that now with the advent of Steemit’s economy and crowdsourcing, we’ll be able to present these efforts to a wider public and even support them financially

@Successtrainer is also a career man focused on startups and innovation culture. He posts great content and personal advice daily so do check him out!

Again, I’m blown away by the diversity and quality of the content coming out the #kr community and I want to take these moments to share the incredible amount I’ve learned. Help me support and welcome these individuals into the bigger community of Steemit, we have so much to share.

What do you think? Anything specific of Korean culture, life, news, or politics you would like to learn? I myself, since I’m currently living in the US, would love more and more of these intimate insights into all aspects of a culture that runs deep in my bones.

All raised Steem Dollars will go to the showcased users.

스팀도 통역이 되나요?

한식하우스는 KR에 올라오는 포스팅을 보며 ‘와! 이건 진짜 내 (외국) 친구들에게 보여주고싶은 한국의 모습이다!’ 라는 순간을 자주 느낍니다. 항상 영어권에 한국문화를 전달하는 일에 큰 열정이 있습니다.

스팀잇에 한국에 관한 콘텐츠들이 올라오는데 비해 언어의 장벽 때문에 많은 유익한 포스팅들이 종종 KR 커뮤니티에만 머물거나 비록 영어 번역이 있더라도 의미가 잘 전달이 약해져 영어권에 널리널리 퍼지지 못하는 점이 너무 아쉽습니다.

우리 문화, 한국을 보여줄 수 있는 좋은 콘텐츠를 써주시는 저자님들을 알리고싶어 글을 써보았습니다.

@Jay4U 님의 드론 랜드스케이프 시리즈. 한국의 아름다운 전원풍경을 공유하고 싶었습니다.

@Aloha-mylife 님의 김치담기 글 세계에서 열풍인 김치. 이겁니다! 이런 글은 모두가 봐야죠. 알로하 님의 글들에서 느껴지는 한국 아버지의 자상함과 가정의 모습이 포근하고 좋았습니다. 한국 드라마, 케이팝이 아닌 꾸밈없는 한국의 패밀리의 일상을 모습을 보여주고 싶었습니다.

@SuccessTrainer 님의 훈민정음 해례본 이야기와 한국 문화재유산을 크라우드 소싱 [글] (@successtrainer/5d5k9r) 을 소개했습니다. KR 커뮤니티에 이런 움직임이 있다는 것을 자랑스럽게 알리고싶습니다.

KR 커뮤니티가 빠르게 성장하는 가운데 많은 유져들이 “한국사람들은 어떤 콘텐츠를 쓸까?” 하는 궁금증이 들겁니다. 그리고 한국문화가 궁금한데 언어 장벽 때문에 쉽게 KR에 참여하지 못하는 유져들도 많을거라 생각합니다 - 저의 친구 @voronoi 도 KR에서는 무슨 콘텐츠가 있냐 만날때마다 궁금해 묻습니다.

한식하우스가 스팀에서 KR 콘텐츠를 즐기는 국제 관중을 더 키우는데, 우리문화를 알리는데 조금이라도 도움이 될 수 있으면 좋겠습니다. 이 글의 STD는 전부 유져님들께 드리겠습니다! 좋은 글 고맙습니다.

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and check out my design collective @hitheryon

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