State of the Sndbox Thumbnail Competition [January Winners + Upvote Prizes]

Thank You!

Last Wednesday, we opened up our 5th competition round of the State of the Sndbox Thumbnail competition. All Steemians were invited to compete for voting prizes and the winner would have their entry used as the cover of our January newsletters. So without further adieu, we’ll let the work speak for themselves -

First Place [100% Upvote] @thillustrator

Congratulations to @thillustrator for the grand prize and January’s selection! We love the process and combination of playful and terraformed elements. Super clear and interestingly captures the vibe of Sndbox as we launch into the New Year!

Support the original post, here.

Second Place [50% Upvote] @kimzwarch

Congratulations to @kimzwarch! We love the mesmerizing crispness of this image and motivates us to shoot Sndbox and its upcoming SMT to space!

Support the original post, here.

Third, Fourth, Fifth [20% Upvote Each]

Congratulations @mevsuf. Simple and sleek, the palette and proportions on this entry makes for a very compelling design. Support the original post here.

Congratulations @ngfx. Though we’ve had a number of people use the “sandbox” reference, we’ve yet to have someone directly play with the creative nature of sand! Support the original post here.

Congratulations @marty-arts. Very vibrant and is a great motivator to keep powering-up! Support the original post here

Thank You Everyone!

We have had some incredible entries for our January Thumbnail Competition. A big congratulations to @ for the winning entry and an every bigger thank you to everyone who submitted. Stay tuned for next month!

Everyone who submitted will receive a partial @sndbox upvote. If for whatever reason we missed your post, please let us know and we will include it!

Entry by @bitrocker2020, @andrejcibik, @olaivart, @yaohualim, @tmr.est96, @wens, @serkorkin, @elex17, @terrorfirma, @pedroo, @orelmely, @funtraveller, @dunsky, @jimdraw, @creativista, @agrojaya, @arnineone, @erdavid, @veenox

September competition results here.

October competition results here.

November competition results here.

December competition results here.


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