I Don't Trust My Government. Do You Trust Yours? IFC Finals - Second Round

Growing up I always heard the saying "think outside of the box". I think this mainly has to do with problem solving. However, imagine for just a second that it has to do with the world that you live in and your beliefs or thoughts, everything you have ever known or been taught...

Martial Law, Fema Camps, Aliens, Chemtrails, Mind Control, False Flags, Illuminati... is it real?

People tend to give conspiracy theorist a bad name. They get ridiculed and mocked. You know the, get ready to put your tin foil hats on, type of stuff. We all have different beliefs for different reasons. I think that this is great, especially when we can all communicate about it in an effective manner. What I do not think is great, is when people are completely closed minded to every other thought but their own. When it comes to conspiracy theories, I don't always believe them 100% for obvious reasons. Considering that all of these theories are just that, theories. We often do have "evidence" to back some of these theories up but it is never hard core facts because if it was, that really would change this whole topic.

Now there are some theories that I am a die hard fan of. That doesn't necessarily mean my mind isn't open to other thought processes though. I am a very open minded person which is why I do believe that we the people are meant to be a bunch of blind sheeple obeying what we are told. I really want to say that "you people can't possibly believe the our government is perfect and looks out for your best interest, the media always tells the truth and we are alone in this world", ect. I can't say this though because that would I am not really open minded to the idea that there are other options out there in this world.

Conspiracy theories can be really fun to do our your own further research on. I can't even begin tell you how many multiple hours, late nights and loss of sleep I have had on Youtube and Google, researching the endless possibilities out there in this world. I honestly have heard some far fetched things but I have never really said, "no way that can't be true" because, well in my mind, it can be.

What about all of the conspiracy theories that have been proven to be true. MK-Ultra being a major one. This is a very interesting topic that I highly encourage all wondering minds to research. Mind control, it is real. It has been studied and it has been done. MK-Ultra being one example, this was all done by the precious CIA.

This is from Collective Agents,

Testing started with unwilling participants being lured into a hotel room by prostitutes, who would then slip the drugs into their drinks. A CIA agent would then watch the test subjects as they tripped out behind a wall of the hotel room.

MK Ultra wasn’t an unsuccessful program, either; CIA agents were able to successfully mind control many victims, many of whom were children

A 1975 document addressed to the President stated: “The drug program was part of a much larger CIA program to study possible means for controlling human behaviour. Other studies explored the effects of radiation, electric-shock, psychology, psychiatry, sociology and harassment substances.

This project supposedly ended in the 1970's but others have stated of one called Monarch Mind Control (MMC). MMC is noted as a mind control technique that combines occult rituals, psychology, and neuroscience to create an alter ego within a desired subject. Sound useful for things people would abuse this on in today's world? With the technology we have today, deeper mind control is very likely. If you want to research it more, check out topics on the government and the elite’s involvement with mind control and programming.

Here are a few of my top conspiracy theories that I personally believe in, some I will futher explain why I think they have the potential to be true:

Aliens exist and have communicated in some way, shape or form with our government. This includes the Men In Black.

Okay, I said that I was open minded but this conspiracy theory opinion of mine will not ever budge. I am a diehard alien fan. I believe they are real. I believe the government has/does communicate with them. I believe they have/do walk with us. I do believe in MIB and the fact that if you know too much, they come and visit you. I believe things I have seen in the sky, were not from this world. I wrote a really in depth post a while back about some pretty interesting things that tie the existence of aliens to be true.

This post included:

  • Superior knowledge. Mainly dealing with how the Pyramids were built.

Did you know that the Great Pyramid's height was built to an equal value of pi?

  • Unidentified Flying Objects and Roswell

Project Blue Book which has now been terminated, received a total of 12,618 sightings from 1947 to 1969. Of those sightings, 701 remain "unidentifiable".

  • Recorded Sightings

Mufon is my favorite place to see the latest Alien information. There are several pictures and videos that get uploaded with these daily sightings. Click here to see the latest reports to Mufon from everyday citizens all around the world.

Read the full article here - Alien Life, Does It Exist?

We do have a cure for cancer and other diseases. World population would get out of control if we cured all of those, that is one reason why the government won't allow them to be released to the general population. Big Pharma also makes a ton of money on treatment. Again, these are theories and not facts so with that said another option could be that there is no cure and anytime a scientist gets close to one, they mysteriously die.

Dr. Don Wiley is one example of a mysterious death on a scientist. A happy man suddenly dissapears. His body found hours later in the water. Suicide? This death remains suspicious for several reasons. Here is the really strange part:

His death also came in the wake of the Anthrax postings in the United States, with many stating that Dr. Wiley was one of the few people who would have been able to accurately trace exactly where the deadly substance had originated.

So, contrary to the dismissive tone of the New York Times report, Professor Wiley would be of great value to anyone developing biological weapons

Back to MK-Ultra, here is another example of a mysterious death on a scientist:

It is known that there were deaths within the experiments, and I’m not just referring to the test subjects. There were also mysterious murder/suicide situations, like when biochemist Frank Olson, who worked on MK Ultra test subjects, allegedly committed suicide, though the medical examiner found his injuries to be consistent with a homicide.

Coincidence? I highly doubt it considering multiple microbiologist have had suspicious, random deaths. The Wiley incident is an example of just how far things can go and how one thing can have multiple different options. You can read more about this death and a few others here. For years and years scientist have mysteriously died. It really makes you wonder after a while.


Illuminati (New World Order) is real.

According to Destination America, members of the Illuminati are thought to hold top level positions in the US government, as well as the Vatican, NATO, and major media outlets.

The original Illuminati was founded in the 18th century. It has since vastly grown. The entertainment business is where we hear about it the most. It is said that well known actors and artist got their top spot by being an Illuminati member. Apparently the members plan to rule under one government and not multiple. There are no facts but how far fetched is this really?

Celebraties are commonly seen showing matching hand signals. This particular one is said to resemble the all seeing eye. A common sign for Illuminati. Also seen on a dollar bill.


False Flags, meaning that mass shootings and attacks are staged or purposely set out to happen for whatever cynical reasons. This does include 9/11.

A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.

I hate this one the most out of them all but I truly believe that attacks of all kind are planned for a bigger reason than a random shooting or bomb. I am by no way stating that all of them are. Plenty of sick people do sick things in this world for no apparent reason at all. However, there has been a lot of questionable things that have happened with major events. 9/11 I am fully convinced was an inside job of some form. I am actually not going to elaborate on this much today due to the fact that I believe that topic deserves a post solely focused on just that. I do want to point out a few questionable things that have circled around the internet dealing with major tragic events. (No, please don't believe everything you see on the internet but please don't dismiss everything either.)

Many people say that these events are staged or a hoax completely. While I don't think they are completely staged, I do believe that some were staged to a certain extent or at least planned. I am not going to be a person that claims these families didn't lose innocent people, because they unfortunately did. I am a person that like I stated already, believes some of these events were planned for cynical reasons by our beloved government. Gun control could be a main reason for the shootings. Find a way to take away guns and eventually enforce Martial Law on unarmed citizens. 9/11 I believe had a few reasons behind it.

Crisis Actors. Interesting thing to research. Don't think your government has them? That's fine but I do. Well, they do have crisis actors already that are meant for training. They dress you up with wounds and you play the part of a wounded citizen. Not that unlikely that those same people could be involved in major events.

Sandy Hook is a sad and unfortunate tragic event. It also is one that has a ton of "that doesn't make sense" moments. It is worth researching if your into this kind of stuff. Another interesting theory some have which takes us back to mind control, is that the government finds a way to control these innocent people to do bad things, such as shootings. Then they don't have to stage anything. It would essentially be easier to mind fuck someone into a mass shooting and have it all fall back on them instead of staging the entire thing. Not sure how much I lean towards that theory but it is one floating around.


Martial Law + FEMA Camps are not what they seem.

As with all conspiracy theories, I can't give an exact answer as to why I think this happening and I can't fully explain it. I can just say that I do greatly believe that the government either wants/plans on putting us all under Martial Law or they know something that we don't that will eventually put us there. I also lean heavily on a nuclear war. Fema camps, Martial Law, Radio-frequency identification (RFID chips)...it all makes sense.There is some eerie "conspiracy evidence" for this one. I have always believed in this to a certain extent but what pushed me to be a firm believer was oddly enough all of the Walmart closings that happened a few years ago. Once I dug deeper and did my own research, I jumped on the bandwagon of believers.

In 2015, Walmart closed 5 stores all at the exact same time because of plumbing issues. Well, that isn't all that far fetched, right? The stores were located in very different locations which included Florida, California, Texas and Oklahoma. All for plumbing issues, all at the same time, all of a sudden. Okay, still possible I suppose all though it is now becoming suspicious due to the unlikeliness of all 5 stores closing together for plumbing. Now, the stores close and they say that each store will take up to 6 months to fix the issue. Plumbing... 6 months? Hmm. Alright, it does get much better, I promise. I am not getting all wacky over a simple store closing, just hear me out. So, oddly enough none of stores reopened. The Walmarts that closed were seen heavily guarded by military, police and some of the stores were even seen with blacked out windows. Why?

Not only that but some witnesses claim to have seen suspicious helicopter activity near one of stores. Several witnesses in different locations claim to have heard "rumbling" underground during the time period that the military was guarding the plumbers that were fixing Walmart. Apparently the military has underground tunnels and bases already. Super likely and makes sense that they would. If normal human citizens have underground bunkers, I promise you that the military does too. Are you still with me here with the connection to Walmart closings? Military guarding Walmart...underground noises being heard. Come on now, this wasn't a simple closing of stores for original plumbing issues.

Some theories claim that they were holding military exercises/training. Some say they were working on the underground tunnels. Some say they are preparing them for Fema camps. I don't know which I believe because again we are talking conspiracy theories here but imagine how many Fema beds could fit side by side in an empty Walmart store. Not only that but the space is there, the building is secure and the cameras are already there. There sounds like a little truth behind all theories on this one. It doesn't end there either. Walmart has since closed hundreds of stores across the entire globe.

Yes, they do have plenty of stores and it isn't unlikely for a business to close stores but I am just not fully buying it. They are also closing Sam Clubs. Don't get me wrong here, Walmart is still a business and still a store (that I regularly shop at) operating as normal. I do believe that some of the stores are closing so that they can build bigger ones for Supercenters and so forth. However, I do also believe that there is a connection to all of the closings and what was seen with the closings in 2015. Closing stores and building "bigger" ones, gets the spotlight off so many empty stores, it also allows for the government to slide under and do their thing.

Walmart has also had several contracts with the U.S government. One of these goes back to the early 2000s, when Walmart began a cooperative with the U.S. Defense Department on RFID technology. Interesting right? Since RFID tags can be attached to cash, clothing, and possessions, or implanted in animals and people, the possibility of reading personally-linked information without consent has raised serious privacy concerns.

These things are literally already in the items you purchase, they are small, about the size of a grain of rice to a grain of sand. Again, the same exact company that suddenly closed several stores and was guarded by the military has had several contracts with the government. You guys can tell me all day long that there is no connection but I do not believe it. I will openly listen to your opinion, I will have a open conversation with you about the topic. However, I believe that there is something more going on in regards to Fema and Martial Law.

Are you not convinced yet that something odd is going on? Check this next video out. It is about 35 minutes long but to get the idea of what is going on you can just view the very first minute or so. This video talks about "Casa Padra". This is a Walmart in Texas that had been turned into what they call a shelter for immigrant children. This is just the beginning people. From the looks inside this looks like a legit shelter and maybe it is. However, this in my opinion could be like a test run, a way to see how they can manage to hold people inside in a successful manor. This part here is not a theory, this is a fact. A Walmart has successfully been turned into a camp. So you mean to tell me that there is nothing at all fishy about hundreds of Walmarts all across the globe being shut down with the military guarding them?

Last month Walmart apparently tweeted that they were disturbed by learning what their previous store had been turned into since it had been sold. I'm not buying that part of this either. Further in the video it does discuss some odd things going on with the other Walmart stores closing. It is a video that is so worth watching the entire thing.

There is a ton of scary yet interesting stuff you can find online in regards to Martial Law and Fema camps. Stuff that does go beyond Walmart closings. These topics include the Fema barges, Fema coffins, homeless disappearing and held in camps against their will and so much more. This is a conspiracy theory that I believe is worth sharing with the world. It doesn't hurt to be somewhat prepared if it does happen. I would rather believe in it now or at least have been warned than to think it will never happen and then one day it does.


Sure, all of these plus all of the hundreds of other conspiracy theories can or have been debunked. As much as one can debunk these theories, many others can continue to bring forth questionable "evidence". We will never fully agree with one another on these topics. Like I said, every person who says, "you are crazy, that can be explained" there is a person on the other end saying, "...but that just doesn't make sense. The so called hidden truth makes more sense". Seriously, for all of you out there who do not believe in us crazy people, just what if even one of those theories were true? Just for one split single second, imagine it was true. That would really change the way a lot of people think. To know they have been lied to.

Okay so now imagine that every single person in the world had found out there was evidence to prove majority of the conspiracy theories that get spread around were in fact, facts. This would indeed cause mass hysteria. Aliens are real - they actually walk with us, members of illuminati want to control us, the government controls our weather, governments cause innocent people to die so that they can carry out their plans or cover ups, people have literally been brainwashed by the government so that they can control them...[insert every other conspiracy theory here]. Alright, do you have this image in your head? Because now the entire fucking world would be in a panic. Everything most people have known, was proven to be a lie. People would go insane and the world would be nothing but pure chaos. This, this is why these theories remain theories, because the general population cannot handle the truth.

Can you handle the truth?

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