Alien Life, Does It Exist?

There are billions of galaxies and stars. We have only discovered a very small percentage of what the universe is made of, 96% of space is undiscovered.

Is there life existing beyond planet Earth?


Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying. - Arthur C. Clarke

I am a huge believer that life exist beyond the planet with live on. Space is filled with a mass amount of dark energy, the unknown is far more than the known. Extraterrestrial life has been a mystery for some time now. There are a number of UFO sightings, conspiracy theories, and in depth thought processes surrounding this topic, some of which are very intriguing. Since I was younger, I have always believed that intelligent life besides that on Earth is truly out there. I believed that this made far more sense than a God. I watch any show that I can that has extraterrestrials as the topic and I have done countless hours of research on my own. Although, now that I do believe in a God it has caused some controversy into alien life existing but to say that extraterrestrials do not exist, is just personally not an option for me. That isn't an option for many others either...

In 1961, Frank Drake searched for an answer to help get us closer to understanding if there is any possibility for advanced life evolving on other planets. The Drake Equation estimates the odds of finding intelligent civilizations. This equation has many uncertainties that come along with it due to the variable factors possibly having different answers. However, it does provide a structure for the likeliness that there really is an existence of extraterrestrials.

The Drake Equation is: N = R* • fp • ne • fl • fi • fc • L

N = the number of civilizations in our galaxy with which communication might be possible

R∗ = the average rate of star formation in our galaxy
fp = the fraction of those stars that have planets
ne = the average number of habitable planets that can potentially support life per star that has planets
fl = the fraction of planets that could support life that actually develop life at some point
fi = the fraction of planets with life that actually go on to develop intelligent life (civilizations)
fc = the fraction of civilizations that develop a technology that releases detectable signs of their existence into space
L = the length of time for which such civilizations release detectable signals into space

The answer is just as all the others, it is nothing more than a wild guess but the fact that many people make it a top priority to search for civilizations beyond us, is just incredible. You can use the Drake Equation calculator to find your own answers. Just answer each question in the equation and see for yourself what the likeness of active civilizations really is.


Superior Knowledge

One major theory that extraterrestrials have indeed landed on Earth is a high interest of mine. There are several claims that thousands of years ago, knowledge far superior to any that was available at that time, was aided in the creations of Pyramids. I used to watch the show Ancient Aliens very often and when the episode about pyramids aired, it really sparked my interest. Ancient Aliens seems to be really persistent and confident that superior knowledge helped build those pyramids. These claims do have valid points that can be rather mind boggling.

image source- Pixabay

Each pyramid required a tremendous amount of stone, each stone weighing around 2.5 tons, with some weighing way more than that. That would take a lot of men to move just one single stone. Yet, the Egyptians moved millions. Did you know that the Great Pyramid's height was built to an equal value of pi? This pyramid is the most accurately aligned structure with incredible precision. The Kings Chamber on the southern shaft was pointed directly to the Orion constellation, specifically to the star Al Nitak. The Egyptian god Oriris was associated with this constellation. The Descending Passage pointed directly to what was the North Star at that time. The Great Pyramid's location is very interesting. The north/south meridian and the east/west parallel that cross the most land both intersect in two places. The Great Pyramid is one of them, the ocean is the other.

The Egyptians also left behind hieroglyphs that make all of this even more of a mystery. These hieroglyphs have images of technology that is far more advanced than what was available during this time period. This has caused great controversy leaving many to wonder how thousands of years ago, men were able to carve images that resemble planes, submarines, helicopters and what seems like electricity. As if that is not fascinating enough, there are many hieroglyphs that contain images which resemble flying saucers (UFOs) and alien like creatures. Egyptian text even describes what some claim to be the first written account of a UFO sighting. This particular document allegedly was written around 1480 BC and it is called The Tulli Papyrus, this is a piece of the writing after it had been translated -

After several days had passed, they became more numerous in the sky than ever. They shined in the sky more than the brightness of the sun, and extended to the limits of the four supports of heaven [...] Powerful was the position of the Fiery Disks.

Does this suggest that ancient Egyptians had been visited by extraterrestrials? Just how did they build the Great Pyramid so precisely? Is it possible that so many hieroglyphs are being misinterpreted, regardless of the fact that they highly resemble things with far advanced technology than what was available? What about the images that resemble alien like creatures and UFOs? Let me know what your thoughts are regarding the superior knowledge from those living thousands of years ago.


Unidentified Flying Objects

Is it a bird?
Is it a plane?
Is it a...flying saucer?

image source

UFO sightings are the most intriguing part of this all. These sightings have been reported throughout all of recorded history. Some of these unidentified objects being recorded have been debunked with claims that they are balloons, military planes, asteroids and anything else identifiable in the sky. Not all of these cases can be explained and many do in fact remain unidentified. Project Blue Book which has now been terminated, received a total of 12,618 sightings from 1947 to 1969. Of those sightings, 701 remain "unidentifiable". If you have never heard of this Project Blue Book, you might be wondering why this is important.

Beginning as Project Sign, the United States Air Force spent 22 years actively investigating reports of UFOs. Many UFO researchers claim that those who identified these objects were pressured into doing so, the claims also state that poor research was used. According to AboveTopSecret-

This theory has been supported by the recent release of CIA documents pertaining to UFOs. They also suggest that any report that was initially perceived as unexplainable or would cause public concern was never included in Project Blue Book.

The US Air Force terminated Project Blue Book by stating that for national security reasons, there was no longer a justifiable reason to continue. Why did they spend over 20 years with this project. Why did it take so long for them to realize these UFOs were mainly all identifiable and not a threat? Everybody put on your tinfoil hats for a moment, the initial project was started after a wide hysteria took place over the UFO crash in Roswell. Many people quickly began to claim that the debris from the crash were that of a flying saucer, this led to the US Air Force quickly making statements that this crash was certainly from a weather balloon, later identified as Project Mogul.

Despite the Roswell crash claiming to be debunked, still to this day many people believe that the government was covering up for the crash. It is believed that Project Blue Book was started to make it seem like the government was taking all necessary actions to be sure that these unidentified objects were able to be identified. This way any mass hysteria brought on by these sightings, could be calmed by the certainty from the government that anything sketchy going on in the sky, had been thoroughly examined by the US Air Force. Even with the high efforts from the government to cover up any hardcore evidence of intelligent life beyond us, not everything truly can be identified. Below is a video of a UFO spotted by US Navy Jets.

Click here to read more on this particular sighting.

This is one conspiracy theory that I side heavily with. Imagine if the government made a statement that even one of those sightings, were absolutely unidentifiable. If they stated that the UFO was something they have never seen before, something truly out of this world. You don't think that out of thousands and thousands of sightings, not one single object was something the government feared? Now with the 701 they stated were unidentifiable, they made sure to state that there wasn't any threat, they just didn't have enough evidence to say exactly what is was identifiable as. Majority of the humans on Earth would panic if the government confirmed flying saucers from space and Alien contact. It makes so much more sense that the government will do whatever it takes to prevent mass hysteria.

Recorded Sightings

I have personally seen several questionable objects in the night sky and I have had one experience during the day. One day around around 6:30 AM, my husband was driving me to work so I could go care for the elderly in the nursing home. We were on a back road with no one else around when suddenly we both seen this very large all black object , flying very slowly, it was up just barely above the tree tops. This object was shaped like a diamond, it made no sound and had 3 lights on it. The lights were in a straight line with one bigger and brighter than the others, directly in the middle, none of the lights were blinking. I begged my husband to stop the car but he insisted that I must get to work. I managed to get him to at least slow down, when he did the object picked up pace, started to fly higher up in the sky and then quickly disappeared. This was around 4 years ago and I have since searched for another object in the sky that resembles this, with no luck. I have done plenty of research and it came as no surprise to me, this same unidentified flying object has been sighted by others claiming it to be a flying saucer.


As the world's oldest and largest UFO phenomenon investigative body we aim to be the inquisitive minds' refuge seeking answers to that most ancient question, "Are we alone in the universe?" Whether you have UFO reports to share, armchair UFO investigator aspirations, or want to train and join our investigation team, MUFON is here for you. Won't you please join us in our quest to discover the truth?

Mufon is my favorite place to see the latest Alien information. There are several pictures and videos that get uploaded with these daily sightings. Click here to see the latest reports to Mufon from everyday citizens all around the world.

For now, we will not ever know what we truly see up in the sky when it is unidentifiable. We don't even know if they are alien space crafts. Several of these things can easily be explained and many are a hoax. This video has several intriguing UFO sightings caught on camera. Some of the sightings are indeed explainable but what about those that aren't?

I could write for days about everything I have found to be interesting when it comes to extraterrestrials. To be sure that I don't bore you, I will space them out. Next week I will be discussing further into the claims that the government knows more about E.T than most believe. This will include topics such as-

  • The mysterious Men in Black and their role in UFO sightings
  • Area 51
  • Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program (AATIP), this was a secret Project Blue Book that "ended" in 2012

DISCLAIMER: This article was written for educational and/or entertainment purposes. I am in no way stating that this is hardcore evidence of intelligent civilizations beyond us. This is solely meant to open your mind to the possibility.

This article was exclusively written for Beyond the Veil. A newsletter that is prepared weekly, by a collection of people, containing articles surrounding the spiritual and the supernatural. To subscribe to the newsletter please follow @beyondtheveil, to stay updated about our community. Do you dare to see the unseen?

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