Constrained Writing Contest #12 - Promotion post

In light of recent events - more on which you can read here - I am writing this post to promote the Constrained Writing Contest and try and raise some rewards for the writers who have participated in the Constrained Writing Contest #12.

constrained writing contest.jpg

Long story short, the reward pool of the original post had been drained by a downvote by @haejin and the contest is therefore left without a prize to give to its participants.

In case you aren't familiar with the Constrained writing contest, allow me to briefly describe it to you. (You can find more information on it here).

Each week I (or a guest judge) come up with different challenges to limit your writing. You are required to omit certain words, use a specific word in every second sentence, use a given sentence unchanged, write a story with a certain amount of words... or a combination of all constraints.

What is different to most other writing contests is that I never give you a writing prompt or an idea.
It's all you and your imagination! You're free to write about whatever you like.
So long as you stay within the constraints, of course.

This week the judge is @simgirl, and she came up with the following constraint:

  • Use ”Little did he/she/I/we know” somewhere in your story
  • The story must be at least 250 words long

And @simgirl and I both posted example stories to make it a little easier for you to get ahold of the contest:

An example story by @simgirl can be found here.
An example story by @svashta can be found by clicking here


Now here's where it gets tricky. Because of the recent flags by @haejin the rewards on the main post have been drained. Therefore I have decided the following:

I will pay out this post's payout in full, both SBD and STEEM!

  • 1st place: 45% of post's payout
  • 2nd place: 27% of post's payout
  • 3rd place 18 % of post's payout
  • Judge (@simgirl) takes 5 % for his/her efforts
  • I will take 5 % for hosting, writing and editing the contest

*In case I receive any donations for the contest, the payout percentages apply to the donation itself as well.

*Disclaimer: The contest ends on sunday and that is when the winners will be announced. The rewards will be paid out in exactly 7 days from now (when this post pays out).

On that note, I would like to thank each and every one of the writers who have participated in any of the contests so far. Rest assured, the reward problem will be solved somehow.
I would also like to thank each and every one of you for supporting with an upvote, or even a resteem.
And last but not least; I would like to thank everyone who managed to read this post, regardless of if you upvote it or not. ^^

Have a great day everyone!

And to all participants of the contest...

Good luck!


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