Information Finding Championship round 8 results.

Hello there! Welcome to our digital castle.

Artwork credit - @yeszuzia on steemit and on instagram

Hey steemit peoples. It's time to announce the winner of the 8th challenge, but first I'd like to remind you that there are two active rounds still going and it's not too late to sign up, we could use some more participants especially now that we have a significant sponsor for some of the rounds! :)



Also let us thank our sponsors before we continue.. Starting with.. @ats-david who has helped our contest significantly and if you appreciate this contest or just his efforts in general cause he does a lot of other good things for the community, you may want to look into voting for him as a witness at @ats-witness

Also some other people who have been incredibly regularly helpful with the tournament have been @nxtblg @soundlegion and @theguruasia
We've had another donor as well but they wish to remain anonymous. If you'd like to donate anything feel free to let me know. I'm sure even an upvote or a resteem here or there would help and be much appreciated! :)

The objective of round 8 was to find support or a sponsor for the IFC, especially in regards to helping to upvote individual rounds.

Here are the results from the eighth challenge!


apolymask - Voted for kryptocek

rarebooksleuth - Voted for kryptocek

charisma777 - Voted for kryptocek

luckysteem - Voted for kryptocek

addempsea - Voted for kryptocek

Our second unanimous win! Congrats kryptocek! And everyone interested in the IFC in general as this was a massively important round and it went well. Due to kyrptocek finding the sponsor of ats-david I think the whole competition will benefit. This is a win for everyone involved in the IFC! And kryptocek your reward for this round will be sent to you soon when I get a chance.

Right now the competition is tied up with @kryptocek and @bashadow each having 3 wins.
@auminda and @noisyboy are tied in second each with 1 win.

We could really use some new competitors in here and for them to win some rounds and give kryptocek and bashadow a run for their money! I have a feeling it's going to be a battle between those two in the end unless someone else shows up and start winning some rounds. So.. If you or anyone you know might be interested in playing, we would be happy to have you in our competition! :) More info will be below.

Also.. For anyone interested I want to remind you that we now have a discord channel set up which should make a lot of this easier and more organized! If you'd like to chat or get more diverse and efficient information on the IFC, you can join us at this link.

If you are new and want to know more about how the contest works in general, this link may help that explains the Information Finding Championship in more detail.


Artwork credit - Joshua Clement on Facebook

Reasons the judges voted the way they did.

My reason.
While there were a couple other good efforts, to me it's clear that the sponsor you got kryptocek is most helpful and closest to what I was looking for when I requested someone to help significantly with the upvoting of individual rounds.

You have well earned my vote, and.. Also a place in IFC history as you will have some artwork drawn up of you for your efforts here, and we will also have some artwork made of the sponsor as well ats-david.
Super amazing job, I said before that this could have been one of the most important challenges, and.. I think it was and is.. This really.. Means so much to the competition and now if we can just start getting some more regular players, I feel like this is just going to grow more and more in time and we couldn't get off to a much more perfect start thanks to you, some of the other players and the judges as well, it's all come together in some kind of amazingly perfect recipe that was never planned and just sort of spontaneously happened.. It's fascinating to see it all happen and sort of develop a life and spirit of it's own.
Extremely well done and good job kryptocek!! You have definitely earned my vote this round. :)

Excellent entry, and great job on introducing @ats-witness to the project! Nice work and you've got my vote for Round 8!

One of the things I have noticed about Steemit is how generous people are. The people here are so nice and welcoming. You have done a great job for this contest. With the added incentive more people will be willing to join the train. For the act of kindness by informing your witness friend about this contest, you have my vote.

@kryptocek, you've done it again! I voted for you because you found someone to help, and not only someone to help the IFC community grow, but someone who believes in steemit's community all together! So once again @kryptocek you have my vote!! Great job! And great job to everyone else who entered! much love!

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