๐ŸŽ‰ All About YOU $20 SBD Giveaway! ๐Ÿ’ฒ Contest! ๐Ÿค—

I had so much fun with you guys last contest, that I want to have another!



I am giving away $20 SBD just to get to know you!

๐Ÿ’ฒ ๐Ÿ˜ป ๐Ÿคน

I am so blessed to have you guys! My 1000 Followers in 23 Days! Milestone :) You guys are simply amazing, you make Steemit a wonderful place :)


I want to get to know you. What makes you tick? Delve deep into the spectacular workings of your mind :)

To Qualify for this giveaway, simply copy the the text below, hit REPLY and paste it into your comment. Then fill in the blanks! Then Upvote and Resteem, and be sure to follow to see the results and more contents.

Copy and paste this into your comment and fill in the blanks, then upvote and resteem!

  1. If I were an animal I'd be a _____ because_____.
  2. The one word that best describes me is _____.
  3. I like to ______________.
  4. I am terrified of _____.
  5. The song on repeat in my head right now is _____ by _____.
  6. I believe I am _____, but people assume I am _____.
  7. If I had to live in a different time it would be the _____ .
  8. _____ makes me smile :)
  9. I can't live without _____.
  10. My next 5 years and plans in one sentence-

Please Upvote, Comment, Follow and Resteem :)

**Make it fun! Go wild, be serious! Be funny! **

Be YOU! I want to get to know you :)

Take a stroll around, too. Get to know your fellow Steemians and meet some friends!

Winner will be chosen out of all participants by Random.org on Sunday July 16th at 7pm Pacific time :)

Good Luck, and may the STEEM by with you!

I LOVE you guys! Thank you for your support!

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