πŸ˜ƒ 1000 Followers in Less Than One Month!πŸ₯‚ Batting a Thousand With Steemit :) ⚾️

I joined Steemit 23 days ago. 1000 followers?!!


My birthday is a month away but I already have the best gifts- the wonderful awesomesauce that is the Steemit community is like an exciting present! The present you have been wanting but never in a million years you thought you'd actually get!

I am but a minnow with whale dreams... But I work towards my dreams every day... :)

Batting a Thousand is a metaphor commonly borrowed from American baseball. In non baseball usage it is used to joyously indicate awesomely incredible 100% success.

In Baseball, "Batting a thousand," refers to a player's Batting average- how often he hits the baseball divided by how many times he is up to bat.


Guys!!! I'm batting a thousand with Steemit! You can too!

Every day I am excited to log into Steemit.com, and every day you all gift me with a great big non stop smile.


Like, seriously, I'm here all alone, looking at my computer screen as Steemit loads with a HUGE grin on my face, knowing I am going to talk with my wonderful fellow Steemians, learn cool stuff, nurture my friendships, make real connections, and laugh my butt off with your silliness :)

I am so happy to be a part of the community. YOU rock.

Yeah, you!

You reading this right now.

You are my favorite. Shhhh, dont tell anyone ;)


You are what makes me, well me! I am here for YOU.

I send each and every one of you a ginormous virtual hug.


Smile, you :) You make my heart happy ❀


This is a most wonderful journey, and I am thrilled and proud to be on this adventure with you :)

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Full STEEM ahead my Friends :)

Follow @ArbitraryKitten for more :)

I β™₯ your comments and questions :) But most of all, I love YOU!



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