5 SBD Flash Writing Contest - Die Hard Steem in co-operation with Isle of Write

Die Hard Team in co-operation with the Isle of Write organises 5 sbd flash writing contest

Requirements to join the contest

1 . Join both Discord groups - Die Hard Steemit and Isle of Write

2 . Respond to this image prompt in exactly 150 words, no more no less.

enter image description here

3 . Paste this code under your text using both banners ( same as on the bottom of this context:

<h3>Join Die Hard Steemit and Isle of Write on Discord</h3>
<a href="https://discord.gg/KV7GYPY" alt="Die Hard Steemit"><img  src="<img class="markdown-img-link" src="https://steemitimages.com/0x0/https://i.imgur.com/iUf4zG1.png""/>/>a><a href="https://discord.gg/cS2hGMD" alt="Isle of Write"><img src="<img class="markdown-img-link" src="https://steemitimages.com/0x0/https://i.imgur.com/ZXKU8Vi.png""/>/>a>

4 . As the first tag use contest

5 . When published, paste the link of your competing post in # contest channel in Die Hard group.

6 . Upvote this post and leave a comment that you are joining the contest with all the requirements met.

Reward Pool

Die Hard Steemit provides the reward pool in total.

Contest starts

By publishing this posts, contest is officially open for all the members of The Isle of Write and Die Hard Steemit, excluding the DHS staff.

Contest ends

Contest ends after this posts expires. Contestants have 7 days to submit their work.

Choosing the winner

We reserve the right to chose the winner in duration of 24 hours after closing the contest, if necessary.
Winner will be chosen by the Die Hard Steemit staff, published in our discord channel and reward will be transferred immediately.


The writing contests will be held weekly till further notice.

Join Die Hard Steemit and Isle of Write on Discord

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