BuddyUP Logo Briefing : (Retracted Contest)


Since we have had 0 entries, we have decided to retract the contest and have made a post here explaining the new plan. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

We stated in the writing below that we are taking our branding seriously. There are too many uncertainties present from this contest and it puts us in a difficult situation. Please head over to the new post here to understand our next steps and the reasoning behind the retraction.

If anyone has been working on a logo, please send me a message so we can discuss your work and I will send you a small prize; as a gesture of good faith.


This picture should get your attention?

Do you even art?


After much deliberation and debate, we have decided to give you guys the chance to come up with the BuddyUP logo.

We want to make sure that we have a fantastic logo for the community, that shows what we are all about. I don't think that giving people a week to design and attempt this (given that some people have busy schedules) is long enough to create something of such significance. Instead, I will be hosting this over the next fortnight. I will be heavily promoting this post and asking for any members of the BuddyUP community to share it around too. It will be featured in PYPT tomorrow morning and evening, I'll be dropping it in many post-promotion channels and hopefully, some of you can too.

Everyone likes a prize, right? It's better than nothing.


The two-week contest, heavily promoted and it's also going to be running alongside our new weekly art contest? "Hmmm, that sounds like it's going to be a pretty big post."

The prize is going to be the total of the two contest posts + a contribution from the BuddyUP community.

As well as this prize, next weeks post will be adding an extra element to the contest for anybody who has already created the logo and wants to go for the side pot too. This will be 30% of the total prize pool (it will be subtracted from the whole amount, so if you want to knock it out of the park and go for the full pot, show us what you're made of).

The briefing


I'd love to just let you guys go wild on this one but I think there needs to be a little bit of guidance given so that we don't end up losing what the community is all about. I will leave you some mock-ups that I have made that can hopefully give you some inspiration. As well as some mock-ups, there was also a brilliant idea given by @jonny-clearwater which I would love to see created.

Here are a few images that I have cropped from various images on Unsplash.com:


I was unable to recreate @jonny-clearwater's idea because unfortunately, I am not very skilled in photoshop. He came up with the idea to put two fish inside another bigger fish, symbolizing that in BuddyUP we grow together. This was a brilliant idea and it really works with our motto and what the community is all about.


This was a mock-up I had created for @eqko last week. I thought that this image could be innovated into some form of pixel art to represent the two fish, although being different, being in it together and growing. Eqko also showed some interesting Ying and Yang images of two fish intertwined. Pretty cool.


I'd used this image in the last update post and there is something about it that really stands out. Somebody might be able to make use of this in the contest.


I cropped this from a picture of two dolphins swimming alongside each other. I thought about @jonny-clearwater's idea and wondered if someone could put two fish inside of the dolphin. Swimming upstream and by growing together we will all become 'dolphins'.


  • The image needs to be an original graphic created by the author.

  • No manipulation of images or use of third-party graphics.

  • Preferably in VECTOR format or a layered PSD or GIMP file. Minimum resolution 2000px.

  • You may trace from a reference to then create a high resolution or VECTOR image.

  • Upload your image to postimage or somewhere similar and leave a comment on the post. If you post your logo in the first week, you will be eligible for next weeks contest.

  • All logos are subject to additional tweaking and editing. Consideration will be taken to fund this, if any extra work is needed.

Anything else?


I think you have all you need to get going. Like I said prior, I will be shoving this post in everyone's face so if you have anybody else who might be interested in the contest, share it around! With that being said, I appreciate any support for the contest and the community as a whole. We are growing more and more every day and I'm loving the vibes in the BuddyUP server.

Good luck to everyone taking part in the contest and I hope to hear from all of you very soon. Anybody entering the competition will receive a comment on Sunday notifying them about the Weekly Art contest we are starting. I hope this isn't regarded as spam and if it's something you don't want to receive, let me know when you drop in your entry.

Enjoy yourself and go for it! We're looking forward to seeing your creations. As always...

We all grow together


This has been @calumam, thank you for reading.

All images are taken from Unsplash.com

Here is the BuddyUP discord server: (https://discord.gg/3d5H3K8)

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