Road to Alt Damerow by Keangaroo: $5 Flash Writing Contest - Die Hard Steem + Isle of Write

THE ROAD TO ALT DAMEROW had filled with cars and trucks passing through town as far as I could see. Aidan, head of the Nose Ring gang, stared in silence. It wasn't a hoax after all, but he couldn't say that.

Not after laughing at warnings of an asteroid the size of Mt. Everready hurtling toward us at 67,000 mph. Get out of the way, or get smashed.

All Nose Ringers proceeded to get smashed with Aidan's home-brewing kit.

My dad built the radio that really did receive signals from faraway places with strangely familiar names. He didn’t create the words; he only built the means to receive them. Dad got death, they got the radio. Because he was right: our world was part of a larger, long forgotten world.

But if we didn’t move fast we would all be dead before I had time to find the lost world.

•••••••••••• This story (no more/ no fewer than 150 words!) is a response to the Die Hard Steem and Isle of Write Flash Contest with the headlights-on-a-damp-night image as the prompt. Read more about the contest HERE.
I decided to use the prompt to start a prequel to another story, one I wrote last week for [@carolkean/day-83-5-minute-freewrite-wednesday-prompt-nose-ring-by-keangaroo](Five Minute Free Writing), which is the brainchild of @mariannewest-- thank you, Marianne and crew!. The prompt was nose ring. THANKS also to @aschatria for hosting this flash fiction contest.

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*pixabay image of aircraft launch by skeeze

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