Pander to Me! Writing Contest - And winners of the Secret Contest revealed within!

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What's this? Pandering?

So you have come here to win prizes from me, and this is indeed how it should be. After all, I am me, and you are you, and new. So welcome, welcome all newbie and peon and plebe, pander before me in exchange for the possibility of prizes!

But wait! How can you be sure there are prizes?

Secret Contest

For those of you who were unaware, I have already had a contest going on....secretly! In this post I hid (very secretly) instructions for a contest, a contest in which the best comment would win a SBI share. If you still can't find it, let me show you 😎

Here it was!

I actually had trouble picking just one of these comments. I have decided to reward both (two) of the poetic entries that I recieved, because I do so love poetry. And to think, poetry written just for me! Now, that is pandering.

The second poem I recieved was from @solarsupermama. A friend from the @ecotrain, I was happy to see SolarSuperMama stop by and rock some verse, even directly responding to my poem with hers! Here is her winning poem:

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Just the right amount of mushy 😋

The first poem I recieved was from @phoenixwren. Without prompting, and after not having stopped by their blog in more than a month, I was very excited that @phoenixwren found my secret contest and even whipped up a few rhymes about it! (Also Manna UBI is a very interesting project!)

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Annoited you were, for writing in verse 😉

So congratulations to both @phoenixwren and @solarsupermama! Both @critic-on and @mistakili are runners-up in a spiritual sense, with the prize being the knowledge that I valued your comments.

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Here's the Proof!

Now on to the new stuff!

I have some really good ideas about how to give away some SBI shares going forward. But let's start simple, with the name:

Pander to Me! Writing Contest

This is the first time I actually looked up the word...


  1. Through the principle medium of writing (photos, gif and videos can be used as supporting material)
  2. Pander to me
  3. And compete for a prize of at least 1 SBI share, to be determined by myself.
  4. This week I would be most pleased with and give preference to entries having to do with the Pander to Me! Writing contest, its fictional backstory and other related tangents.

Let's see what you can come up with!

Love and Light to All!

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