BOUNTY - up to 20 SBD up for grabs.

FIRSTLY: I have an active contest for a Menē platinum ring going on right now! Feel free to enter both that contest and the bounty post I’m about to mention:


BOUNTY - up to 20 easy SBD up for grabs.

Steemians I need your help. This is going to very simple.

I need your pics. You need my SBDs.

I am offering a bounty and will giveaway up to 20 SBDs in total.


*I need a picture of designer jewelry on a scale showing the gram weight AND the brand name.

*Please make sure the scale is accurate. I know the weight of most jewelry (I just don’t have the pics), so I will know generally if the scale is correct.

*The item must be GOLD OR PLATINUM

*I need to know what the item costs. I recommend a screenshot of the corresponding item from the designer brand website that shows the price. Please give proper image credits.

*The item has to have a similar Menē counterpart. This should be easy as Menē has all types of jewelry. It can be a ring, necklace, bracelet that is at least somewhat the same as an item from Menē here:

Here is an example of the type of images I am looking for: (NOTE: This designer jewelry piece would not actually qualify because it is made of silver and does not have a similar Mene counterpart - thus the need for this contest!)

Jewelry on scale:

Screenshot from site:


Image source:

Provide the pictures I need and I will give away anywhere from 1 - 20 SBDS depending on the quality of the picture and alignment with my directions!

I will give away SBDS until all 20 are gone, regardless of this post’s payout time.

I will be using this pictures in an upcoming post.

And .... GO!


For Mene 24k investment jewelry:

Contest link: @goldmatters/don-t-dream-it-steemit-a-valentine-s-day-mene-platinum-ring-giveaway

Thanks for reading everyone!


To find out more about what Menē 24 karat gold and platinum investment jewelry is from your fellow Steemians :

To find out more about what Goldmoney is from your fellow Steemians : @goldmatters/what-in-the-world-s-goldmoney-winners

To sign up for a Goldmoney Holding start here:

For Mene 24k investment jewelry here:

I am on a personal mission to spread the word about Goldmoney and Menē through any means necessary. Goldmoney allows individuals to empower themselves by protecting their savings by owning small or large amounts gold previously inaccessible to regular people like you and me.

Read more about Goldmoney: @goldmatters

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