What in the world’s Goldmoney WINNERS!!


Once again, Steemians prove to be a relentlessly talented group who are up to any task.

When I called upon Steemians to join my first challenge, we got epic results: @goldmatters/goldmoney-brings-world-together-on-steemit-over-where-in-the-world-is-goldmoney-challenge-part-i

My second challenge proves again the power of the Steemit community. It all began 1 week ago... I realized that there are still many people who do know what Goldmoney is or what services are offered. What do I have to do??? Blog about Goldmoney from the top of a volcano??


Wear my Goldmoney shirt in the middle of the ocean??


Fly a drone in the sky????


To sign up for a Goldmoney Holding start here: https://www.goldmoney.com/w/goldmatters

So I cooked up a giveaway that asked the Steemit community to describe Goldmoney in their own words, what it could do for individuals & families, and why it was so important to own gold. Here is the giveaway: @goldmatters/what-in-the-world-s-goldmoney-500-steem-giveaway-part-i

I got some incredibly detailed and even some powerfully emotional stories.

Here are some of the best entries:

@tbnfl4sun weighed in with a fantastic entry, chock full of information and even Steemit advocate @jerrybanfield made an appearance!

Here he is rocking his Goldmoney T:


Here’s his post: @tbnfl4sun/my-entry-post-what-in-the-world-s-goldmoney-500-steem-giveaway

We have a very entertaining piece by @owenwat. I really enjoyed the spirit here:


Here’s his post: @owenwat/goldmoney-is-oldmoney-re-designed

@welshstacker weighed in with a very solid post, and even showed off his shiny Goldmoney 10gram GoldCube! Follow the rules on Goldmoney Twitter and Instagram for a chance at your own!


Post: @welshstacker/what-in-the-world-is-goldmoney-giveaway-entry

@phelimint made a very funny entry, and although I cant bring myself to re post the picture he used ... it is hilarious and Mrs. Goldmatters thought so too!

To see it check out his post:


@thatsweeneyguy made a very rigorous entry here with some great research and even gave Steemit and Steem a shoutout on the Goldmoney Community:


Great job @thatsweenyguy!


One of my absolute most favorite entry’s was from @jbcoin.


He tells a very touching story about his father and the lessons he has learned about sound money. If you read one post here, this needs to be it:


Thanks @jbcoin for sharing this with the community.

It’s very satisfying for me personally, after going all over the country to promote Goldmoney, and expending 3 years in a labor of love, to hear from people that are just hearing about Goldmoney for the first time, like @kanoe

Read their post here:


We even had a POEM entered!!

Thanks @macksby !


Here is an excellent analysis that includes the question of why we should own some gold instead of just going all out buck wild on crypto:

Thank you @michellerhey for this important perspective!


Btw if crypto is your thing you should see this:


We also had some last minute but high quality entries from @raybrockman and a few others.

Ray is the basically the captain of #steemsilvergold and one of the most dedicated Steemians ive ever seen. He actually signed up for a Goldmoney Holding because of this giveaway!


Another personal story here with some great pics of Goldmatters Jr.


By @alz190

I simply cannot post ALL of the entries or this post would be even longer. We had a number of other AWESOME entries. To see all the entries use the tag #whatintheworldsgoldmoney.


But here is just a few more:

Long time Goldmoney advocate @nigelmarkdias has a slick post with some of the coolest features of a Goldmoney holding here:


Nigel is a #GMH or GoldmoneyHermano

I also must show @cryptolucky ‘s post because he used these awesome charts with Goldmatters Jr. right in them!



I cant imagine that anyone would ever need to do anymore research if they simple read these posts. I wish I could give EVERYONE an award and in the future I might have to up the prize awards since there was such a great participation.

I tried to upvote every participant and I did give out the promised BONUS awards.



Thank you EVERYONE who participated and if you didn’t win don’t despair, I plan to do more of these types of giveaways, and those with previous participation will be given special consideration, especially for BONUS opportunities.

After today I never want to hear again ...


Thanks for reading,


Goldmatters Jr.

To sign up for a Goldmoney Holding start here: https://www.goldmoney.com/w/goldmatters

For Mene 24k investment jewelry here: http://Mene.com/invite/JrT26p!

I am on a personal mission to spread the word about Goldmoney through any means necessary. Goldmoney allows individuals to empower themselves by protecting their savings by owning small or large amounts gold previously inaccessible to regular people like you and me.

Read more about Goldmoney: @goldmatters


**** Other entries








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