CONTEST: What Would You Do With $50 SBD ?

The time has come for me to host my first contest and ask...

That's a Broad Question!

Alright, let's narrow it down a little then...

What would you do on your Homestead with $50 SBD?

And better yet...

How Awesome Would It Be?

Contest Inspiration

Many of us over at the SteemitHomesteaders slack community have been running contests lately. As the last few were finishing up, I decided I wanted to host a contest to share the fun and present you with the challenge that goes into submitting a post for the chance to win!

I wanted to do something different with my contest. I wanted the payout reward to be BIG and the topic to force you to be creative, resourceful, and thrifty; all talents common with Homesteaders, Gardeners, Preppers, and Like-Minded individuals!

Hey, that sounds familiar...

That's because it's how I commonly describe the people in the SteemitHomesteaders slack community! And it's these types of people I am catering my contest toward.

Learn About SteemitHomesteaders Here!

Contest Description

Write a post telling me what you would do with the $50 from this contest. Show me you know how to maximize the reward and transform this digital cryptocurrency into something lasting and tangible!

Include photos to back up or support your post, as well as help tell your story. I'm a photos kind of guy.

Be specific and detailed in how you will execute your thing. I'm a details kind of guy.

Rules & Requirements

  • Deadline for submission: Friday, August 11th at 11:59 PM (UTC)
  • Include at least 2 graphics. 1 must be an original of your own creation (photograph, drawing, graphical design, etc)
  • Upvote this post
  • Resteem this post
  • Leave a link to your entry post as a comment below - THIS WILL BE HOW I FIND ALL ENTRIES
  • You do not have to be a member of the SteemitHomesteaders slack group to enter or win.
  • You do not have to be a homesteader to win. Hence the "like-minded" term above.
  • Projects are not limited to homestead uses. Gardeners, Preppers, Homeowners, Farmers, and more are just as worthy of receiving the reward. It's all about the post!
  • It is expected that you will actually use the reward to do your thing and write a post on it.

  • Final Thoughts

    I'm normally not a fan of a contest that makes you resteem the post. However, I justify it for two main reasons:

    1. I want to spread the word about SteemitHomesteaders to those who have not yet heard about it or joined the community. I am a strong supporter of communities and helping each other learn and succeed on Steemit. Plus it's great to get to know each other in a casual way.
    2. The reward for this contest is large. I deposited the reward into my Steemit wallet myself from outside sources. I would like this to gain the greatest exposure.

    Let the Contest Begin

    Thank you for participating, I look forward to reading everyone's entries!


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