EQUINOX -when darkness turns into light

Spring arrives, source: @kerlund74

The deepest cold
Crawled up against
The bedroom walls we used to share

Long was the winter
Within my heart
The Northern wind was blowing

You took away
The deepred glowing
Of an indian summernight

And all you left
Was a freezing cold
That turned my heart to stone

But from the heart
The sun has risen
Melting what has been so cold

The melting ice
Started floods of water
Where the wildest flowers grow

I found myself
Reborn in all my strength
As I swim the floods of change

Poem written by @carlschrijft

Source @kerlund74

This post is made in collaboration between @kerlund74 and @carlschrijft. It is an entry in the Binary Stars: Collaborative Contest -A Minnows Accelerator Project Contest

This collaboration started with @carlschrift getting inspiration for the theme (EQUINOX) from some of @kerlund74 earlier photos on Steemit. We decided to produce one picture that could be matched with a poem for the theme.
To wrap it all up, this post ends with a photo that goes nice with the poem as well. The post is about winter turning into springtime and the lighter days after Equinox.

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