This week I’m mixing things up and DOUBLING the prize pool to 10SBD as part of my efforts to support genre-bending, multidisciplinary artists of all stripes!

I love art that mixes genres, breaks expectations, and tries to contribute something new to art forms that have been around for centuries! Innovation is essential. See the results of the ART MIX-UP CONTEST | 02.

I often find myself wondering questions like...

What happens when a poet adds video and animation to their work?
What happens when a photographer and a dancer collaborate?
What happens when a rapper meets a puppeteer?
What happens when a sculptor becomes a choreographer?

Multidisciplinary art shows up in a lot of different ways -- so rather than making a single post about it, I’ve decided to RUN AN ONGOING CONTEST FOR ARTISTS OF ALL STRIPES to share work that blends two or more artistic genres!


(1) Follow me. Upvote this post. Resteem this post. And...

(2) Create a post sharing a piece of your own work (or a collaboration you played a key role in) that mixes 2 or more artistic genres! This might mean sharing a video, an image, writing, a sound clip, or something else (who knows!). And...

(3) Write AT LEAST 100 WORDS describing the work and the artistic techniques at play. And...

(4) Document your process! Previously, I’ve called this “extra credit”, but I am making it a contest requirement. And...

(5) Use the hashtag #artmixupcontest. And...

(6) Drop the link to your post here in the comments. This is the only way I will accept submissions! Deadline is when this post expires.

Please note: the strongest entries from the last two weeks have been those posts written specifically for this contest that future great art, interesting writing, good formatting, and demonstrable process!

Winners will be selected as follows:

First Place - 4sbd
Second Place - 3bd
Three Honorable Mentions - 3sbd (1sbd each!)

See the results of the ART MIX-UP CONTEST | 02 here.

Good luck my artist friends, may your great work continue! <3

(FYI, all images from Unsplash)

Check out more of my work:
I just went to prison for 5 months. Again. | 04
The State of the Art | Race and gender in American theatre.
What is Art and Who Defines It?

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