Alright My Friends, It's Time To Give This Platform A Name!

We need your creative ideas, which could earn you up to 16 SBD!

Help us name the new platform and community tags connecting collaborative Steemians across the world!

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First let's bring you up to speed, pointing you in the right direction to create the perfect entries and bring some SBD to your wallet.

This new Platform is intended to make a common space of connection for both Steemit users in need of help and travelers or locals looking to engage with their community in a fee-free environment.

This is just the original vision, but it can be collaboratively inclusive of so much more.

Please check out the platform's announcement and read through the interactive comments on that post. This will help you to more fully comprehend our vision.

The Platform can be used to bring Steemians together for any reason you can imagine:

Creative Engagement Posts

A Homesteader Needing Some Helping Fins for Projects,
A Creative Steemit Meetup for Your Region,
Organizing Music Festivals, Workshops and Skillshare Gatherings,
A Global Call for Performers and/or
Requests for Volunteer Work in Communities at Need
Et cetera, et cetera!

Travelers or Locals Looking to Engage With Community

'Couch Surfing' Opportunities,
Learning Skills from People instead of Institutions,
Searching for Apprenticeship Opportunities,
Looking to Travel Light + Cheap,
Steemians Wanting to Help Steemians,
Searching to Join Intentional Communities and
The list goes on!

Coming up with the Chosen Name for The Platform will earn you 8 SBD!!!

And of course, we Steemians know a Topic cannot stand out, if it does not have a special community tag to post under.

Steemit needs two new tags created, unique to this Collaborative Platform.

  • One tag to be used by Host Steemians, or Steemians Looking For Help
  • One tag to be used by travelling, couch surfing and volunteering Steemians

Both @coyoteom and I, @notconvinced are fans of simplicity, so the rules will be minimal.

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One creative individual could be the winner of the whole prize of 16 SBD, but keep in mind the choices will be through subjective selection and the prize pool may go to one, two, three or more individuals. We reserve the right to combine suggestions and split the rewards accordingly.

Prize Payout will be as Follows:

8 SBD for the winning Platform Name
4 SBD for each winning community Tag

The winners will be announced Monday March 26, 2018 and the platform will go live at this time. So make sure to tag your community engagement posts appropriately!

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After using Steemit for the last 90 days and not only seeing community generosity abounding on the platform, but being touched by the giving nature of Steemit itself, @coyoteom and @notconvinced are delighted to be able to give back.

The beauty of this process is, it's 100% voluntary. There are no special rules for you abide by, no separate login required and no extra membership fees or requirements.
In my eyes it's the perfect setup.

Please! Make sure you help support @martibis and the spectacular platform he created, SteemitWorldMap. His creation has allowed this platform idea to come to fruition. Support his contribution to our collective community by following @martibis and @steemitworldmap!

We hope you see the many possibilities of our vision and how useful this new function will be for all of us in the future. We envision that a few Steemians with the right skills can collaboratively help take this idea to grand new levels and we encourage this.

Get ready... set.... CREATE!

This post and platform are collaborative creations by @notconvinced and @coyoteom for the greater good of the community!
1st image property of @notconvinced
3rd image property of @coyoteom

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