A Life Changing Evolution in Steemit Interaction: A Must Read for All Steemit Users [Contest is now LIVE!]

Do you have projects that have been put on the backburner and could use some help bringing them to fruition?

Do you like to travel cheaply and have a skill to offer?


Greetings fellow Steemit users,

Steemit is revolutionary in so many ways and will be in so many more that are yet to come. We have been given a way to decentralize the world and take the power from huge corporations, whose practices have harmed the world and our communities within it.

When we think about online-to-personal global connections, some shady practices of AirB&B might come to mind and other sites like wwoof, helpx and workaway charge a fee to connect on a human level.

Steemit can replace those platforms, make human connection the priority over profit and be the hub to bring Steemit users together, essentially eliminating borders.

What's better than a one page profile with a few paragraphs describing one's self?

The entirety of their Steemit Blog of course.

The Epiphany.jpg

A simple question in the front-porch on the HomesteadersOnline Discord server sparked an idea, which has motivated two Steemit users, @coyoteom and @notconvinced to find a solution.

The conversation read as follows:

Good morning everyone. I am surprised there is not a section for Natural Building. Is anyone building any strawbale, cob or hempcrete buildings this year?
we are looking to build a cob oven and incorporate Cobb or earthcrete into our bathhouse
I would be interested in such an event. I have built with cob and plan on earning a few certifications in the field and the last three years I have used workaway to travel and help others build naturally to learn organically. I would prefer to use steemit to find projects though.
I love the idea of being able to travel with knowledge of natural building to help folks get closer to nature and a humane lifestyle. Lots of things are tossed that are so usable, people just need help creating! A steemit map of people looking for help on projects in return for housing or meals would be awesome

The idea was born and the search for a solution was on. After contacting @martibis, the creator of SteemitWorldMap, we were informed this use was not only acceptable to him, but the available search function already allowed the map to provide the necessary functions.

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  • Are you a property owner with a few projects planned, but don't have the funds to pay for a professional? Maybe you just need a few helping hands to make your dream project happen?
  • Do you dread weeding the garden or have quite a few things around the homestead that have been neglected, simply because you don't have the time?

  • Would you love to mentor others in your way of life and want to learn or teach a new language with Steemit users from another country?

  • Or maybe you have an extra room or couch and would like to offer them to a fellow traveler?

  • How about that empty shed that could be converted into a Tiny Home to rent or house a helper?


  • Are you a traveler that would rather get to know other similar minded people, instead of getting lost in a popular tourist destination?

  • Are you taking a year off from school to travel the world?

  • Do you have a skill that you would love to trade for room and board while traveling?

  • Do you want to learn a new skill, but your local educational facility doesn't offer a class for it?

The Solution

Steemit is full of talented travelers with skills ranging from coding, website design, to farming, auto repair and even skilled carpenters. Why not trade those assets for mutual benefit and better yet, make a new friend.

This will naturally pull Steemit together into a tighter knit community and create a more organic way to build your reputation. Plus, just think of all the new posts created as collaborations, not just single authors, which is currently the norm. I cannot think of a better direction for Steemit to grow in.

The proud and honorable Steemit user @martibis has built a complimentary platform called SteemitWorldMap, which is literally putting Steemit and it's users "on the map".

We are proposing a way for it to connect Steemit users in real life as well.

This map has so many uses with it's current search function that the only thing needed to bring Steemit users face to face, is the creation of a few community tags. I hope this idea can motivate a few updates, which could add a few more search points, like active dates, as well.

In order to utilize this map along with our platform idea, our hosting Steemit users need simply go to http://steemitworldmap.com, click the code button at the bottom, tap your location on the map and paste the provided link at the bottom of your post.

Both hosts and travelers would create a post using a template similar to the examples below, with the host linking it to their location on the map. The post should use the specified platform tags so it can be seen and shared among our many diverse communities.

(See the end of this post for exciting surprise details on which tags will be used!)

Finish your promo post by sharing it in the specified platform rooms in the HomesteadersOnline Discord. These rooms are soon to be created specifically for this program, and will be named after the 'steemified' tags. This will allow for easy integration and straightforward communication between users.

Example post template for Hosts:

Catchy and Specific Title

Short Bio About
The Residents
The Land
The Work
The Timeline

Type of Help Needed
None needed, will Teach
Specific Skills needed
Project Assistance

What will you offer in return?
A room and meals?
A place to camp and meals?
What diets can you accommodate?
Hours Expected (24 hr/per week is average)
Skills or Experiences to be Shared

What does your location offer?
Museums/ Libraries
Cultural Experiences

Some Standard Rules About
Marijuana/ Alcohol Use
Social Expectations

Example post template for Helpers:

Catchy and Specific Title

Short Bio About
Reasons for Traveling
How would You like to Help
Locations Visiting and Dates Available

What skills do you possess?
Past Experience
Able to Follow Directions
Language Fluency/ Comprehension
Web Design
Manual Labor

Skills You Would Like to Learn
Animal Husbandry

Accommodations Requests
Room Inside
Tent Outside

Extra Details
Required Diet
Traveling with Pet or Companion

Travel and living don't need to be expensive undertakings.
Let's decentralize the way we interact.

So what's the best way to stimulate the brains of our Steemit community to choose some steemed-out tags and a great platform name for these posts?

What's that I hear rising from the depths of the steem-sea?

Could it be.... a contest?? With a 4, 8, or even 16 SBD Reward?!?

Check out our collaboritive creativity contest announcement here. Comment on the contest post to submit your very own entry for the perfect pair of Steemified Community Tags and the Name Itself of this revolutionary new platform.

This post is a collaboration between @coyoteom and @notconvinced

GIF created by @notconvinced from source
Graphic dividers used with permissions by @kristyglas

1st and 4th photos are property of @notconvinced, 2nd and 3rd are property of @coyoteom


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