Win free upvotes for 30 days

Warren Buffet is not a great fan of cryptocurrency but he is a big proponent of creating more than one stream of income. I want to give you the opportunity to win a 100% upvote daily from @qrater for 30 days. Currently, that vote is valued at $0.03. It won't change your life but if you do this one and a couple more such things, before you know it you are smiling all the way to the bank.

This is my first such contest and I will have to keep it simple. Here is what you have to do:

  1. Upvote this post
  2. Read my last four posts listed here
  3. Choose the worst one of the four. Post the title in a comment to this post.
  4. Motivate your choice in 50 words or more, also in the comment.

This all you have to do! A free upvote for 30 days! This will work best for you if you post daily, but less than eight times a day. If you post once a week, the prize has less value for you.

Here is the information on the prize. You may be interested in it even if you do not win it here. It is a great service.

Welcome Qrater What We Do - How To Get Daily Upvote For 30 Days

Disclaimer one

@qrater has a set of standards for their service. If you do not make the grade you are automatically disqualified from this competition. Read their post to make sure you qualify.

Disclaimer two

The winner will be announced next week Saturday(16 June 2018) in a post following on this one. I will decide on my own whose comment I liked the most. Please note that brutal honesty and helpful advice will be important. I will apply on behalf of the winner with @qrater and upon their acceptance, I will pay the fee directly to @qrater.

Disclaimer three

At least five people need to enter this contest for a winner to be

This contest has two goals.

  1. I need you to help me improve. This is your licence! Go for it.
  2. I want to promote @qrater's service. You should definitely use it.

Your support in this contest will be appreciated. Your feedback too.


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