Celebrating 100 Followers With a Contest! Tell Your Steemit Story and Win SBD!


Today marks Day 15 of me being on Steemit. When I got up this morning, I discovered that I had hit my first 100 followers! To celebrate such a motivating milestone, I've decided to hold this contest. Before I get into the details, though, I wanted to say thank you so much to everyone who has chosen to follow me and support my content! I would not have gotten this far and stayed this motivated to engage the Steemit community every day without the encouragement that I got just from seeing you guys upvoting and commenting on my stories and blog posts.

I owe so much of my success over the past two weeks to the amazing people over at the Minnow Support Project. They truly live up to the name of their organization, and there are no limits to the amount of help that they all freely provide to minnows who are just starting out here on Steemit. I am so grateful to be a part of that group and to constantly be on the receiving end of their helpful advice! In my opinion, out of the plethora of communities there are out there for new Steemit users to join, MSP is the best. I strongly recommend for everyone who is just starting out on Steemit to check out the community by clicking here.

A special thank you also goes out to @stevenalexander for showing me the wonders of Steemit. I would probably have never found out about this amazing place if he hadn't posted about it on Facebook and shared his #introduceyourself post. His passion for Steemit and his belief in this amazing platform inspired me to check it out and sign up for an account. After just two weeks of being here, it appears that it's rubbed off on me, because I am now just as passionate about Steemit and I have just as much belief in it (so much belief, in fact, that I recently invested in Steem), and all my friends know this because all I ever seem to post about on Facebook these days is how awesome this place is. :P

I even made a Facebook group for all my friends who expressed interest so that I could try to answer all of their questions in one place, because I knew that a lot of them would probably have the same kinds of questions about Steemit. Regardless of how passionate I am about this thing, though, I am still being met with hesitation and reluctance from friends who I know could really be successful with sharing their art on here. I thought to myself, what could possibly help convince them of how truly amazing Steemit is? That's when I got the idea for this contest, and it just so happened to coincide with me getting my 100th follower early this morning.


Well, I suppose I have rambled on for long enough. So it's time to get down to the real point of this post, the CONTEST! It's going to be pretty simple and won't require too much effort on your part. You just have to make a post telling your personal story of what your Steemit experience has been like so far and how Steemit has changed your life.

Here are the contest rules:

• Your story must be a minimum of 500 words.
• The title should be: (Your Title Here) - Steemit Inspiration
• Your first tag must be steemitinspiration and your second tag must be contest
• Submit the link to your story in the comments section of this post
• Your story must be submitted no later than the 30th of October at 10 PM Mountain Time (UTC-6)


1st Place - 7 SBD
2nd Place - 5 SBD
3rd Place - 3 SBD

This is my first contest ever, so it's pretty casual and I'll be the sole judge...as for what my judging criteria will be...well...I suppose whichever stories touch my heart the most will be the winners! :P


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