Resume Review Contest

Resume Review Contest - Feel free to apply - Get help on your resume and land the job of your dreams!


As part of my 100 follower celebration and 150 follower toast, I wanted to give back to the community, I wanted to offer up something I was good at. I've seen so much generosity and giving on this platform already, that I wanted to copy that to help in some small way. To that end, I wanted to offer up one resume review session to someone in need of help with their career here at Steemit. Whether you are unemployed, hoping to switch fields or getting back into the workforce, I would love to help you along your journey.

The Rules

  1. Provide a brief description ( a few sentences) on why your resume or your career needs help in a comment below.
  2. The most upvoted comment with their resume request will get chosen in 7 days on Thursday 6/29/2017.
  3. I will reach out to the winner and have them send me their resume for a detailed review with recommendations to help them tell the best career narrative they can with all the tricks I can muster.

Why trust my opinion?

I've worked at AMD, Verizon Wireless, Google and Cloudflare. I've interviewed with the likes of Microsoft, Facebook, OPower, and Palantir. I've been through an amazing Career Development office at Georgetown University. As a hiring manager today, I see a lot of resumes and have to discern the good from the bad very quickly. Overall, I've made a pointed effort to focus on my career and want to help others do the same and craft their best voice possible in the hyper-competitive job market.

Disclaimer: I may have a bias for tech-focused resumes, but I assume with as many crypto-enthusiasts out there, we have quite a few programmers, engineers, or tech-focused people on Steemit that may want to get into the tech world.

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