Contest for Contest Ideas, Lifetime Votes for Winner!!

I've reached a little milestone, 300 Followers, and I'd like to give a little back to the Steemit community. I'm looking for ideas to hold a contest that my followers create. A contest for the people designed by the people.

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Prize Pool

First I'll share what I can afford to do right now. My plan is to sponsor a total of 6 people into @steembasicincome which will give you a lifetime of small votes on each of your posts going forward. It's a small trickle of income that over time adds up. This is a cost of 6 Steem for me. I will also autovote 1x per day for 14 days at 50% power (about 12 cents per vote, or $1.68 in rewards over 2 weeks). This will be 30% of my total voting power each day (6 winner at 50% each).

My Thoughts

Now that you know the prize pool my thoughts. I'd like to split this amount between plankton and minnows, 3 winners at each level. I'm thinking it would be fun to do this as 3 different contests, 1 per week with 2 winners each week. Think that would allow this to be exposed to more of my followers and maybe some new followers.

motivation-3131641_1280.jpgImage Source: Pixabay

I'd like this contest to act as motivation to doing what we all know should be done, write quality content. I'd like all of you to give ideas on how this will happen.

I'm not giving any further direction on what I'd like other then to say my initial thought is that it sould be to motivate people to write quality posts. Recently I was given a little motivation just by someone reading my post and calling me out on making an excuse and here I am writing a post for the 3rd straight day.

Every Contest Needs a Name

As part of your entry please include any name ideas you might have for the contest. Best Name Idea doesn't have to be part of your entry, but ideas would be helpful.

Why SteemBasicIncome?

To me giving someone 1 steem isn't going to motivate them to keep posting long term. That 1 steem would be like giving a hungry person 1 fish to feed them for a day. I'd rather try and encourage someone to post on a regular basis building up their account over time. More we post the more followers we gain, more followers means increasing rewards, increasing rewards mean increasing motivation to keep posting. So this is my attempt to "teach someone to fish and they will eat for a lifetime".

Guest Judge

Judging on the contest will be done by myself and a guest judge. If we go over multiple weeks I will select a different judge each week to help, maybe the winner from the current week can help with the following week. The guest judge will be excluded from the current weeks prize pool, but can compete in future weeks (if we do multiple weeks).

If I see rewards equal to, or near the amount being given away each week this might turn into an ongoing contest as I'd love to give away 2 sponsorships each week.

How to win the current contest?

This contest will be judged by authoritarian is my money after Honestly if I see a lot of support for an idea, positive comments from others, then that will help push me one direction or another. Honestly don't know what I'm looking for, but best idea wins!

Just comment below with your idea and I will choose from entries when this post pays out in 7 days. This allows everyone a chance to come up with their ideas and review ideas from others. Please comment on ideas you like, upvote them to reward each other, and remember this is about helping each other grow more then the prize you might win.

As for the prize for the best idea, I'd like to give away another sponsorship to @steembasicincome program. Plus I will give a full 100% upvote on your next post. Added bonus if you resteemed this post and you win I will include a second 100% upvote.

Please help share this

If you know any plankton (new members) or Minnows that might be interested in this contest please resteem it. Would like ideas from as many members as possible.


You must upvote this contest to win the prize.
To get the prize of any upvotes you must have original content posts for me to vote on. I will not give rewards to someone stealing content and posting it as their own.

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