VDux Haiku Contest Winners!

Source: Giphy

Time to announce the winners for my latest Haiku Contest.

I got some amazing haikus! 19 entries from 16 entrants:

@eprolific, @millennialnow, @puppetmaster1111, @mysearchisover, @yahialababidi, @givonwayne, @pinkgeek, @viking-ventures, @acousticsteveo, @boxcarblue, @ablaze, @tygertyger, @hope-k, @rexdickson, @crescendoofpeace, @andysantics48

Plus two that didn't qualify:

@caesar2341, @kiwideb

Read their haikus here.

I loved them all. If I had more SBDs to give, I'd offer more prizes. Speaking of which, read my request for donations on VDux's Haiku Contest Has Closed.


Alas, there must be a winner and a runner-up. Meaning, 90% of entrants will not win.

If you didn’t win, please please please resubmit to the next contest, which I'll post soon. You can use the same one you wrote this time -- that’s a free entry! And you can also write another haiku and submit both -- double your chances of winning.

For those who didn’t follow the rules or submitted after the deadline, I couldn’t accept your entries. My apologies. Please try again for my next contest!

And if you posted your entry on your blog and mentioned me, but I didn’t give you your upvote and resteem, please nag me, it was just an oversight.

Some acknowledgements before I announce the winners:

@moneyinfant for listing me in the contests newsletter. I advise anybody interested in steemit contests follow @moneyinfant.

@mermaidvampire for her positivity and advice. Another great account to follow.

@firepower. His contests piqued my interest in Steemit contests and made me see how short-form content can enrich the quality of Steemit's platform.

Also, to the many, many people who run Steemit contests. I know you have many to choose from, including other haiku contests. Thank you for participating in mine!

And now, without further ado...

Your winner: @millennialnow

The age old question
Is chili a soup or stew?
Perhaps it’s neither

(I love chili. Coincidentally made some tonight for dinner. And until this haiku, I had never pondered such an existential question. )

Your runner-up: @yahialababidi

An inner embrace,
when you need reassurance—
some warmth in your life.

To all who participated but didn't win:


Source: Giphy

@millenialnow will get 2 SBD + half SBD from the contest post within the next 15 minutes. I’ll reach out to you directly soon, and I'll post your shout-out within the next day to two. Please reply to any of my posts (including this one) or connect with me on steam.chat to let me know what post you’d like me to resteem.

@yahialababidi, I’ll reach out to you directly soon, and I’ll post your shout-out within the next day to two. Please reply to any of my posts (including this one) or connect with me on steam.chat to let me know what post you’d like me to resteem.

I'll post a new contest within the next few days. I got some suggestions for a theme and I'm mulling them over. Go to This Post and upvote the suggestions you like the best.

Remember you can submit as many haikus as you want! Try again with the one you submitted for this one — you lose nothing and you might win!

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