ADSactly on ADSACTLY - part #36 - Sharing Of Ideas

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ADSactly on ADSACTLY - part #36

ADSactly on Sharing of Ideas

Cooperation is an essential, important and crucial part of all human endeavours. Without it, nothing would ever see the light of the day. No great project can be finished if people don't work together. Individual efforts are valuable but they are likely to be futile without good, mutually beneficial, coordinated cooperation. No individual can achieve a big goal solely by himself. It is simply impossible because each of us possesses only a limited amount of time, resources, knowledge and skills.

But, a cooperation within a group is not the only important factor for success. We should bear in mind that the greatest visions were conceived in individual minds, utilizing individual talents. The ideas were always shared with others before the goals were reached. Great visions are seldom put into valuable reality without strong group efforts and cooperation between individuals. This fantastic marriage of vision and efforts is what counts.


Cooperation is not dependable on political and financial restraints we are made to live in. It works regardless of them and signifies the most basic human need to survive and thrive. Throughout the history, we find strong elements of cooperation in every possible field. From hunting, ploughing fields, building houses, all the way to modern day gadgets like smartphones, electric cars, Internet, cryptocurrencies... etc. All those projects, ideas and techniques were always started by an individual mind and then developed through, you guessed - cooperation.


The essence of cooperation is grounded in sharing of ideas. Never be afraid to share an idea. You might lose some of them along the way but always keep in mind that many more, even better ones will come in time. If a person doesn't communicate ideas, the projects will, most likely, never come to light. From our experience, it is better to create long-lasting relationships and share ideas among people who you trust, than to keep your ideas for yourself until they slowly fade away. If people accept your idea, they will always remember where to come for the next one. What's more, if an idea is profitable for a group of investors, they will share benefits with you. Benefits which would not exist without their investment and your idea.


If an idea stays confined to someone's mind and it never sees the light, will it be of any use? Will it benefit someone and make difference to something? We are to share ideas, cooperate with each other and enjoy the benefits, together. Share your ideas with other free individuals who met and cooperate in the ADSactly Society. Put your ideas forward and interested people might be interested in achieving mutual goals through joined efforts.

Share your ideas and cooperate with like-minded people on putting them to life. This is the way to go.


If you are interested in joining the ADSactly society, please read the blog series on ADSactly from the beginning. Have all of your questions answered in advance.

ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 1 Open-Value Network / Co-opoly
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 2 Do-ocracy / Value Network
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 3 Open Stewardship
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 4 Society's Value Contribution System
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 5 The Value of Our Time
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 6 Cooperation and fair benefits
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 7 Support local production
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 8 Cooperation vs Competition
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 9 Sustainable Social Model
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 10 Blockchain Technology
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 11 Support for Decentralization
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 12 The Importance of Bitcoin
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 13 ADSactly in Discord (1)
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 14 ADSactly in Discord (2)
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 15 ADSactly in Discord (3)
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 16 ADSactly in Discord (4)
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 17 ADSactly in Discord (5)
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 18 ADSactly Clubs
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 19 ADSactly Tokens (1)
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 20 ADSactly Tokens (2)
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 21 ADSactly Tokens (3)
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 22 ADSactly Tokens (4)
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 23 ADSactly Tokens (5)
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 24 ADSactly Tokens (6)
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 25 Full Stack Startup
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 26 Artificial Intelligence Government Pt. I
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 27 Artificial Intelligence Government Pt. II
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 28 ADSactly Steemit Blog
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 29 The Future Of Crypto
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 30 ADSactly on Globalization
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 31 Blogging on Steemit
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 32 Social P2P network
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 33 Projects in ADSactly Society
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 34 ADSactly - Medium Blog
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 35 ADSactly - Environmental Protection


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