ACU(Amaze Creater Union) will build a social media platform based on the latest blockchain technologies such as steem, tron and blockstack, promote and popularize the latest blockchain technologies and applications, as well as value-added financing service include Defi.
> 奇创联(神奇创造者联盟)将基于steem/tron/blockstack等最新区块链技术,构建社交化媒体平台,推广普及最新的区块链技术和应用,以及包括Defi在内的增值理财服务。
To Be Creater Not Copycat! Creater do make value while Copycat do steal value!
> 鼓励成为创作者,而不是模仿者! 创造者是为了创造价值,而模仿者却是窃取价值!
ACU, infinite pursuit, unlimited exploration, do please respect!
> 奇创联,无限追求,无限探索,尽请期待!
Amaze Creater Union Fund ( #acu #hive-150232