Second Creative Writing Challenge Task #5 - A Message from the Past

Dear grandchildren:

I'm Adam, your grandfather. I know what are you thinking about :) I'm that young, because I'm recording this in 2017 and I'm only 25. Cool, isn't it? :)

At the moment of watching this video you might be already 10 years old older. I don't know your names, how you look like and the strange thing is that I don't even know if you exist. What's more, I do not even know if you'll see this video, but in any case when you see it, if you see it, I want you to know that I love you, I love you right now, that my love for you runs in my veins like my blood, that it will be your blood, son of my daughter, of my son.

I graduated from the University of South Florida, on his Science Fiction program at the College of Arts and Sciences, to combine my taste for writing and science.

A few weeks after getting the title, I decided to embark on an adventure trip to a distant land, to relax and take some time before publishing my first book.

I was walking along one of the isolated and lost paths of this fascinating land, absorbed in contemplating its beautiful landscapes, when suddenly, without noticing me, approached me, in an imposing black steed, the most beautiful woman I had ever seen, with eyes expressive blacks and a penetrating but light look, with a smile as fresh as the dawn and black hair undulating under the effect of the soft wind produced by the cavalcade.

Unable to articulate words, she took the initiative and asked me my name, and I answered, in a fragile voice: — I am Adam! She answered in a sweet tone: — Adam, I am Delilah, it is a pleasure to meet you! Those two phrases were the beginning of a long conversation...

That beautiful woman must be your grandmother. I traveled from as far away as if destiny dragged me towards her, and today, September 29, 2017, I am here, speaking to you, a generation before your birth.

Along with this video, you should have found the first pages of this novel that I began to write a few years ago, during adolescence. I never finished it because something told me that it was not the time to finish it, and that is why I take the turn for you to finish it. I am sure that with your talent you can become a great writer and continue the legacy, that your grandfather once started.

Not only will we be united by the bonds of blood, by the bonds of love, but we will also be united by the passion for writing.

Fuente de la imagen 1

Fuente de la imagen 2

Fuente de la imagen 3

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