Second Creative Writing Challenge Task #5 - A Message from the Past

Hello everyone,

The previous task has offered an unique challenge and you did a really great job with authentic stories that have all the ingredients to touch, inspire and encourage people to think about what really matters in this life.

We are all with @hristoatanasov and he will soon feel that. We did a great job with the #payitforward tag and the power of your small team has spread the message through the whole Steemit community and beyond. Your stories are probably the first pieces of content about Hristo in English. Yes, they are fictional, however nobody is hiding that. It's based on real facts and it's for a writing contest.

Now I feel like:

I was thinking on how we should proceed from now on. Again, I have a file full with ideas, however somehow I feel that the last one that was born yesterday is the right fit for Task #5.

And here's how the table with entries from Task #4 looks like.

If you don't see your submission here, it's because you have published it after I have started writing this post. It will be added promptly after publishing the post.

@negativerA Full Heart
@mitchelljaworskiWhen Service Is Just What You Do
@edurleyHristo Atanasov
@neiraurdanetaThe Men
@mjcarvajalpThe tireless search for the meaning of our humanity
@flemingfarmHristo's Lesson
@therovingreaderLife, Recycled - HELP HRISTO WITH AN UPVOTE
@mikepm74Hristo Atanasov
@kirrakimbrellSimple Joy
@mother2chicksHristo a Most Humble Man
@morodieneSecond creative Writing Challenge Task #4
@kubbyelizabethWhen Giving gives back!
@alemars16The kindest of strangers

Generous sponsors! Let's say it again:


This is a list with our sponsors , their contributions and the total amount of the prize pool. Also, take a look at the shootout below the table.

Let's see who are these 11 Steemit stars that are spicing up our challenge:

@kubbyelizabeth | @juliakponsford | @oleg326756 | @eturnerx | @scrooger | @flemingfarm | @crimsonclad | @sircork | @scaredycatguide | @therovingreader | @em3

@kubbyelizabeth8 SBD
@juliakponsford5 SBD
@oleg3267565 SBD
@eturnerx5 SBD
@scrooger5 SBD
@flemingfarm10 SBD
@crimsonclad5 SBD
@sircork10 SBD
@scaredycatguide5 SBD
@therovingreader5 SBD
@em32 SBD
TOTAL75 SBD (+10 SBD from me)

The total amount of the prize pool is 75 SBD. We are in the middle of that second season of the challenge and I'm shooting out to the whole Steemit community. Support this #contest guys. Take a look at what we are doing here and realize the value we bring to the platform. #story and #writing are N11 and N18 of the list with the most used tags for the Steemit posts. Earch round we bring about 15 new stories and most of them are worth reading, sharing and supporting. It's the first time I agressively try to draw your attention to our initiative and I'm doing it, because I feel that it's my responsibility.

What we need to do now is to announce the next task.

Task #5: A message from the past



Let me introduce you to Adam. He's a 25 years old man that has graduated from University of South Florida. His undergraduate program was done at the College of Arts & Sciences and his favorite course was the Creative Writing course. Adam never had a girlfriend, although he felt in love few times for the past 7 years. He had a lot of free time now and instead of hanging out with friends he has decided to devote time on recording a special message.

One morning he woke up with an idea to record a message to his future grandchildren. It would be great for them to see who their grand father was at young age, he said to himself.

It was September 29, 2017. A rainy day. The perfect atmosphere to finally start working on his message.

A message from the Past

Dear grandchildren, he started.*

I'm Adam, your grandfather. I know what are you thinking about :) I'm that young, because I'm recording this in 2017 and I'm only 25. Cool, isn't it? :)

At the moment of watching this video you might be already 10 years old older. I don't know your names, how you look like and the strange thing is that I don't even know if you exist.

Your task guys, is to finish Adam's message.

NB! This is important - women could change Adam's name with a woman's name and you can could write a message as the kids grandmother. If you like Adam though feel free to remain with him.

This is another great opportunity for exercising and improving your creative writing. I'm already impatient to see your stories :)

Final words

Submit the URL to your post in the comments

If you see any kind of flaws or errors in Task #5 feel please let me know as soon as possible.

Hopefully most of you will be able to finish the task on time. The deadline is this Monday, October 2 by Midnight EST.

Enjoy it!

Keep writing,

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