"Time to RUN AWAY from Steemit..." - Motivation Moment #17


Have you ever felt like Running Away? Have you ever wanted to just Pack Up and Go?

Yup... just leaving everything behind. Your job, your family, your everyday routines, your worries, your past failures and all the Expectations that comes from having responsibility over someone or something.

I have 'thought' about it, to tell you the truth. :)

Now back to the Crypto-World... with Billions wiped out over the last week (accumulatively) and with #Steemit's SBD worth $1.70 now (from $3.06 on 14 March)...

When the going gets TOUGH, the "Not-So-Tough" RUNS AWAY!

Here are a few interesting Crypto-News over the last day;

Hey Mel, I thought this was a "Motivation Moment" post?

We can all leave. We can all run away to that perfect place. We can leave everything that we know as 'life' behind. YES, We can.

But should we?

  • Why do people leave Relationships?
  • Why do people leave their Jobs?
  • Why do people start a Business?
  • Why do people migrate and begin afresh in a New Land?
  • Why do people Volunteer and join a Social / Not-for-Profit Organization?

There is a BIG and Compelling Reason.

We ALL need to go back to our WHYS.

You see if our Whys are not strong enough... we will be moved by the simple Change of Weather!

I hope you are getting it.

Why are you on Steemit?
Why do you want to Blog, Vlog when you previously don't?
Why do you desire to spend so much time on this platform?

If it is Just for the MONEY... then that's why you may be feeling a little bit lost and are almost ready to throw in the towel.

When you and I understand our Why, there is something DEEPER, there is something that will help and guide us to STAY the Course and Complete what you set out to Achieve!


I got married on 3rd July 1999 to my girlfriend of 5 years. It was not a smooth journey, we had many many quarrels, sleepless nights, painful memories...heck it'll be 19 years this year!

Will I remember just the negative encounters (which are too many to count)? Or will I choose to remember the PROMISE I made to GOD and my spouse to STICK WITH HER through Thick and Thin. I'm glad the latter.

I am so Blessed to be married to her after all these many years and we are just growing from Strength to Strength. If not for this relationship, I would NOT be the Man (and the Coach) I am today.

Tough situations has taught me to PERSEVERE, to PRESS ON and to look at life with Full Confidence and Smile towards the endless POSSIBILITIES.


Will you choose to Stay or Run Away?

Over to you.

Stay tuned for more "Motivation Moments"...

Mel @coachmelleow


Everyone needs a little push, a little encouragement, a little inspiration ~ every single day.

That's why I created Motivation Moments to help you move forward.

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