Going for the Field Goal

So I did something that one is not supposed to ever do. I broke one of those rules of crypto that we must never break if we are to survive the journey. I killed a crypto bag at a loss. Yes, you read that correctly. I sold some tokens cheaper than what I paid for, and bought STEEM with that BTC.

My reasoning

If you are a regular reader of this crazy blog, you might know about some of my recent experiments with shitcoins. Honestly, I've learned so much from that experience that I feel all these little battle scars in my back are a little precious to me now. I call them battle scars because they hurt, they hurt just enough for me to remember what not to do, ever again.

You see, all these little tokens struggle. They struggle to keep the community together, they struggle to control the FUD. The mods in these discord servers have to work almost 24/7 swatting away any voice that will say anything remotely close to negative. Why? you ask... Simple. None of those people in there care, none of them. Yes, the devs might care, maybe one mod or two, but the rest.... Everyone else is just picturing themselves driving a lambo. Use case???? hahahahaha

So, as you might imagine most of them fail. It only takes one night, one single night were the MODS all decided to go have a cold one, and the whole thing comes crumbling down.

From the corners of the discord you read - "OMG EXIT SCAM... DEVS ARE GONE!! AAAARGGHHH" - As if insanity had all of the sudden surrounded every single brain in the room with it's choking grasp: Every single minnow, or would be investor starts to freak out. "OMG ITS TRUE... THEY ARE NOT ONLINE" - An eloquent user with a infantile nickname and avatar in all caps shouts, and the frenzy starts.

So you sit there, looking at this chart that starts to bleed red as if taken on a vendetta against your mental health.

There I was was wondering how could they all be so stupid. Who cares? I mean, really who cares? - I remember telling myself "Am I really that surprised??? of course not" Let's be honest, the use case for those coins for the most part are just hilarious. The communities are as weak as the promise of a lawyer (these days at least). How could they resist? How could they even expect to survive? - All of the sudden, I'm holding a brand new bag; It's ugly, it stinks, and the developers are doing their absolute best to get the emotions on the chat rooms under control and failing miserably.

Of course some projects do survive, I'm sure. But, How many? How many horses that break their hoofs am I to pick before I learn that I was betting on decalcified "stallions". Nah... I'm done, I just don't care anymore. So here, here is my last bag... Well... What's left of it.

What will I eat tomorrow?

I suspect food, but it probably won't be bought with crypto. Yes, I said it. I'm not expecting STEEM to recover tomorrow and for me to wake up feeling like Nostradamus was just an amateur next to me. The chances of that happening are slim to none. However, I'm going to put this STEEM to work right away.

I was watching a video by @exyle and honestly, I can't see the flaw in his thinking. Now, I know that if things don't go my way, it's not his fault in any way shape or form. But, the arguments are logically sound. How would I expect to buy STEEM when its at 10 dollars, at 20, at 30? The thought makes me wanna burn my shoes. Yes, I know that doesn't make sense, but that's exactly why I'm thinking about it.

On my way...

I'm going to get even more crazy. I'm going to shoot for 10K STEEM before the bull rally starts. Can I do it? Will I die in the attempt? Will I be kidnapped by FUDing aliens? - Nobody truly knows. But I'm putting my flag on this hill.

I was telling my dear friend @paintingangels that I think we will go to $10 by December. Of course, you just read that and are probably wondering if I've been smoking some oregano. The answer is that no, I'm currently out. However, I do remember STEEM hitting 8 bucks to absolutely everyone's amazement. So.... Why the hellz not? - All of the sudden $10 doesn't seem that crazy to me, not anymore.

Anyways my friends, I've done it. I went all in on STEEM. Wish me luck, or better yet. POWER UP!!!! hahahaha

Much love

• The Controversial Mary
• What's the right move for Steemians?
• Very Special Songwriter Shop Talk Featuring Serena Matthews paintingangels
• Comparison is the Killer of Joy
• Remembering Pascal - Taking care of our planet

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