The rush of the day (11/01/18) with a growth of more than 561% is for:

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For today, after reviewing prices and growth rates of more than 1500 cryptocoins, were selected those that at the moment have presented a higher percentage of growth, being Thursday 11/01/2018. Thus leaving the positions in the rush of the day:

Cryptocoin similar to CRX:






Chronos (CRX) It gains its place in this article with a growth today of 462.06%, allowing it to accumulate in the week an approximate growth of 996.73%. Its value is still below a dollar, allowing it to be an attractive option for investment.
Chronos is a coin PoW/PoS. CRX focuses primarily on building smart contracts.
CRX belongs to the PPCoin/Novacoin family with the latest available algorithms that corrected various problems in the coins PoW/PoS. Compared to only PoW coins, the coin test stands out to be more resistant to 51% of the attacks.

Now let's look at the graphs of the behavior that he has had today, which give reference to the value obtained in hours, making a comparison between the value change between the dollar and the reference between the BTC.

To understand the graphs we must identify with the green line the behavior of the cryptocoin with respect to the value of the USD, while the yellow line represents its value in reference to the BTC. The scale has been taken for a day, this allows you to better appreciate the behavior of today, this clarification is for if you want to make investment look for a graph with a longer period of time. These references are valid for the two graphs, the linear and the log.

Another qualified one is the case of Ethereum Cash, it was created for the users of Avarage, who will have the opportunity and the massive adoption of the digital currency. To provide more support to users, the development team created an application for daily use with an easy and comprehensive guide, which provides a pleasurable experience for participants so they can ascertain how convenient Ethereum Cash is to negotiate. This is the most notable feature compared to the non-active technology currency.

Its growth for the present day is 516.05%, allowing to accumulate a weekly percentage of 1024.92%, thus obtaining a value of $0.5 approximately.

This is very similar to Cryptocoin as:





This is very similar to Cryptocoin as: Last but not least we have Aces (Aces), which is a decentralized cryptographic currency with open source. In addition, it is a cryptocoin test that is based on the X13 algorithm. Destined to be accepted into online games.

This cryptocoin has had a growth of 590.78% reaching a cumulative weekly of 593.10%, this allowed him to obtain a value at that time of $0.004, approximately.

The positions remain as follows:

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