The rush of the day (12/01/18) with a growth of more than 5005% is for:

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For today, after reviewing prices and growth rates of more than 1500 cryptocoins, were selected those that at the moment have presented a higher percentage of growth, being Friday 12/01/2018.

Thus leaving the positions in the rush of the day:

Making appearance for the second time this week in the uploaded is Janus (JNS), is a cryptocoin that deals with the creation of platforms that are directed to carefully selected markets and take advantage of the social fabric of the internet to attract Audiences and attract market share. Its technological platform is based on a microframe and for this they have chosen Nxt for the technology that it provides, its known stability and its technological roadmap. Today it grew by 5005.35%. Its value for the previous article was $1.44, it currently has an approximate value of $17.33, this was a huge rush.

To understand the graphs we must identify with the green line the behavior of the cryptocoin with respect to the value of the USD, while the yellow line represents its value in reference to the BTC. The scale has been taken for a day, this allows you to better appreciate the behavior of today, this clarification is for if you want to make investment look for a graph with a longer period of time. These references are valid for the two graphs, the linear and the log.

Another qualified one is the case of JetCoin, it is also a relatively new service with a rather little tested history. His domain was registered on May 7, 2017. Their approach page is not much help either, as it is simply full of fashionable words and still unproven statistics. Its maximum growth today of 294.89%, having a cumulative so far this week of 864.75%. Maintaining a maximum value of $0.87.

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Tychocoin ensures its positioning in this article with a growth of 722.91%, allowing you to accumulate a week of-64.71% remaining still in negative numbers despite its growth.
The blockchain Trychocoin is a series of mathematical problems that are encrypted and the miners have to find the coins of the solution. As it is designed to help the global enterprise and the common man in the transition from the conventional money method to the Cryptocoin. There is only a finite amount of Tychocoins that will be extracted in the next few years.

The positions remain as follows:

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