The rush of the day (13/01/18) with a growth of more than 1729% is for:

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For today, after reviewing prices and growth rates of more than 1500 cryptocoins, were selected those that at the moment have presented a higher percentage of growth, being Saturday 13/01/2018.

Thus leaving the positions in the rush of the day:

Litecoin Gold (LTG):

Growth in% of its value $: 231.38%

Accumulated in the week: 309.26%

Approximate value: $0,034

Securing a position in the rush of the day is Litecoin Gold (LTG), which is a cryptocoin that complies with the ERC 20 and the same accurate supply that Litecoin. Litecoin Gold offers faster and cheaper transactions than Bitcoin. The token has the following properties: It has mining enabled allowing it to distribute mining for everyone. Committed team: With a team that has a broad base of first-level fintech ideas. The Litecoin blocking time (the amount of time required to validate a transaction) was reduced by 75% to 2.5 minutes of the 10 minute Bitcoin. Instead of relying on SHA256 cryptographic hash functions such as Bitcoin, Litecoin uses scrypt functions.

To understand the graphs we must identify with the green line the behavior of the cryptocoin with respect to the value of the USD, while the yellow line represents its value in reference to the BTC. The scale has been taken for a day, this allows you to better appreciate the behavior of today, this clarification is for if you want to make investment look for a graph with a longer period of time. These references are valid for the two graphs, the linear and the log.

Another qualified is StrongHands (SHND), this is a decentralized and open source Cryptocoin that offers both private and transparent types of transactions.
StrongHands payments are published in a public blockchain, but the sender, recipient, and the amount of a transaction remain private.

Some similar cryptocoins are:




StrongHands (SHND):

Growth in% of its value $: 1786,87%

Accumulated in the week: 1858,22%

Approximate value: 0,000131$

Facecoin (FC):

Growth in% of its value $: 237,79%

Accumulated in the week: 741,59%

Approximate value: 0.042$

Last and not least is Facecoin (FC), which is nothing more than a new decentralized social network that allows users to earn tokens in response to requests. Objects are stored in a database of fragments encoded with the user log running on the Ethereum intelligent contract system and using public key cryptography.
This is developed through a custom node software based on Kademlia and IPFS that creates a completely decentralized network fully encrypted without knowledge: nobody can see what it publishes unless you allow it. They have also created a DNS system that makes it possible to join and use the network through standard browsers like Chrome, Firefox, IE, Opera, Safari. Sounds like Steemit.

Some similar cryptocoins are:


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