IOTA Roadmap: Developing Different Core Clients for Adoption

IOTA was created as the backbone of Internet-of-things. It's use case is centered in allowing the fundamental change of Industry 4.0, On-Demand Economy and Internet of things by creating an effective 'Ledger of Things' system.

The very first thing that IOTA wants to achieve upon reaching its ultimate goal is adoption and they want to make IOTA interoperable with different programming languages to provide developers a choice that would suit their specific needs.

The team is currently working on GO, Rust, C++ and JAVA which are considered to be in the early stage of development status.

GO (Golang) – a free, open-source programming language created at Google. It has already been adopted to a lot of projects especially to some blockchain projects. IOTA uses GO for their Sandbox environment and library and so it should be included in the development.

Rust – is one of the most agile and promising programming languages because of its large concurrency support and fast execution. No doubt that this is an important addition towards adoption.

C++ - together with Rust, C++ is IOTA's highest priority as they are currently porting IRI over to C++ and planning to go on with the core development with it. C++ is more suited for IoT devices as it does not require a virtual machine to be installed on them to run the code and it compiles the code in real time. C++ is also one of the most popular programming languages in the world.

Java – IRI or the IOTA Reference Implementation is written in this language. It has recently improved to make faster transactions and network synchronization. Since IRI is the first official implementation of IOTA, JAVA is definitely a needed client for adoption.

IOTA is already using Light Client to enable other resource limited devices that will cannot act as a full node. They are also researching on swarm client wherein they can increase adoption for other devices without being a full node.
Also, IOTA is developing a number of libraries and tools. These includes JavaScript Library, Python Library, Java Library, C# Library and Go Libary. Read more of it here.

Public simulations coming soon...

To help the community better understand the Tangle as a radically new concept, IOTA has already completed working on a simulation framework in Python. This will allow simulations in network and cluster settings, transaction propagation, transaction confirmation times, different tip selection scheme and the total confirmation rates.

IOTA provides an interactive and community-created developer tutorials here.

IOTA Primer - Entangling the Internet of Things - Part 1
IOTA Primer - Entangling the Internet of Things - Part 2
IOTA Roadmap: IOTA Will Implement Automated Snapshotting
IOTA Roadmap: IOTA Creates a Number of Libraries and Tools for Developers

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