200 billion USD cryptocurrency market capitalizations!

Hello everyone,

Just a quick note. This is something I have been waiting for to happen for a few weeks now! I am very happy to inform you that we just hit 200 billion USD cryptocurrency market capitalizations. This was mainly driven by the King BTC rising but the good news is that new money is flooding in and other altcoins are in green now too. The year 2017 has been phenomenal and cannot wait to see even better 2018 when governments, hedge funds and the big institution will finally wake up to cryptocurrencies.


Please feel free to check out some of my other recent posts.

Big America – Czech Grand Canyon? 大美國 - 捷克大峽谷?
My grandfather’s art exhibition – part 3/我祖父的藝術展覽-第3部分
7 World's Continents photo challenge weekly winner announcement #4.
Beautiful Prague in black and white images! 黑白照片-美麗的布拉格!

CEO & Founder of CGH


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