HempCoin Series #1 :: 大麻硬币系列


Late Monday night in Acapulco, I walked down the city's main street. It is called "the Costera", and is pictured above.

周一晚上在阿卡普尔科,我走下城市的主要街道。 它被称为“Costera,” 如上图所示。

It is the rainy season here now. The air felt cooler than usual, and everything was much more quiet and still. As I walked, I was deep in thought about the convergence -- the meeting point -- where cannabis/hemp, cryptocurrency and China intersect. I believe that intersection happens at HempCoin.

这是现在的雨季。 空气比平常感觉更冷,一切都更安静和静止。 当我走路的时候,我深深地想到了融合点 - 大麻/麻,加密和中国都相交的交汇点。 我相信交叉发生在 HempCoin

This post hopes to do two things: / 这个帖子希望做两件事情:

  • Test the readability of the Chinese translation, which I got from Google Translate. If you read Chinese, can you please let me know in the comments if the translations used in this post are acceptable?

  • 测试我从Google翻译得到的中文翻译的可读性。 如果你读中文,如果这篇文章中使用的翻译是可以接受的,你可以在评论中通知我吗?

  • Test the viability of an idea that is possibly outrageous. I explain the rather simple idea below, and would appreciate your feedback on it.

  • 测试一个可能是荒谬的想法的可行性! 我在下面解释一下相当简单的想法,感谢您对此的反馈。

China + Hemp Are Old Friends


China has a six thousand year long history with hemp. They were the first to use its fiber. The Chinese government never distorted the goodness of hemp, and they enjoy its bounty. The United States creates its own suffering:

中国与大麻有着六千年的悠久历史。 他们是第一个使用它的纤维。 中国政府从来没有扭曲大麻的美好,而且享受到它的赏金。 美国创造了自己的痛苦:

  1. According to a recent Forbes article, hemp is projected to be a billion dollar crop in three years.

  2. 据“福布斯”最近的一篇文章称,麻将在三年内预计将达10亿美元。

  3. China is Earth's leading cultivator of hemp, and leads the world in hemp production and exportation. (China is the largest crypto-market in the world, too!)

  4. 中国是地球领先的大麻生产者,在大麻生产和出口领域处于世界领先地位。 (中国也是世界上最大的密码市场!)

  5. The United States is the biggest IMPORTER of hemp, and spends more than USD$600 million each year in consumer goods.

  6. 美国是大麻的最大进口国,每年在消费品上花费6亿多美元。

  7. The United States federally prohibits the commercial production of hemp. This dumbly denies considerable ecological and economic opportunity to a country that loves and mega-uses this lucrative crop.

  8. 美国联邦禁止商业生产大麻。 对于一个喜欢和大量使用这种有利可图的作物的国家,这种愚蠢的拒绝给生态和经济机会相当大。

  9. While we wait -- or, preferably, PUSH! -- for the US to get its head out of its behind, Americans are dependent upon other nations to provide them a needed crop that their spiteful government continues to ban.

  10. 当我们等待 - 或者更好地,PUSH - 为了让美国摆脱困境,美国人依靠其他国家为他们提供必要的作物,让他们的恶意政府继续禁止。

China is now active on the blockchain. WHAT COULD THEIR INVESTING INFLUENCE MEAN TO HEMPCOIN, AND THE US PROHIBITION OF CANNABIS/HEMP? That's the question I hold, and ask you cryptoexperts, economists and visionaries out there.

中国现在在积极主动。 他们的投资影响对Hempcoin是什么意思,美国禁止大麻和大麻? 这是我所持有的问题,并要求你在这里加密密码,经济学家和梦想家。

Can this global market circumstance, correct an egregiously wrong federal policy, and also increase the market cap of Hempcoin??


Hemp has three harvestable components:


I am not aware of any other agricultural crop that has so many useful components -- stalk, leaves, seeds and roots. They are all useful to so many areas of our lives. This means hemp's industrial output potentially triples or quadruples that of less generous crops. No other plant can be used for food, fuel, clothing, paper, medicine, an alternative to plastic, building construction and more!

我不知道有其他农作物有很多有用的成分 - 茎,叶,种子和根。 它们对我们生活的许多领域都很有用。 这意味着大麻的工业产出可能是不那么慷慨的作物的三倍或四倍。 没有其他植物可以用于食品,燃料,服装,纸张,医药,替代塑料,建筑施工等等!


"Hemp is of first necessity to the wealth and protection of the country." (Thomas Jefferson)

“大麻是国家财富和保护的首要必需品。” (托马斯·杰斐逊)

Buy HempCoin / 购买HempCoin

This post is very biased, as I am HODLing Hempcoin, regularly investing in it, and do hope for its meteoric soar. This position is a principled one, but is NOT advice. I am asking YOU a global market question: How do we take smart, right, profitable action with this interesting crossing of events and time??

这个帖子是非常有偏见的,因为我是HodLing Hempcoin,经常投资,并希望它的流星飙升。 这个立场是有原则的,但不是建议。 我问你一个全球性的市场问题:我们如何用这个有趣的交通事件和时间来采取聪明,正确,有利可图的行动?



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