How To Repeal The U.S. Prohibition of Marijuana


Friends, my Mom is a quiet ninja.

She's got her own, unique way of raising awareness about cannabis. She was not always an advocate. Her brain was thoroughly washed in government-sponsored lies and disinformation.

But she allowed her views to change, in the face of facts. I have mountain-high respect for that.

In the spirit of helpfulness, she wrote the open letter below to help people better understand the PROCESS and MOTIVATION for repealing the U.S. prohibition of marijuana. The remaining words of this post are hers. Thank you for considering them:

As a non-user of Cannabis or Marijuana, my passion about this plant is fueled by the deception and propaganda surrounding it that have resulted in serious misinformation to the public. Wanting to see this injustice corrected, I realize that work must be done to manifest the desired change. I hope that others who have the same vision -- and those who have been ‘waiting for change’ -- will join in the task to help bring it about.

Truth Will Water the Seed of Change

There is much that needs to be said to many who need to hear it, and Truth is the substance that will water the seed of change among the 435 U.S. congressional representatives who may have not yet heard it.

Many remain in the trenches of propaganda because they believe that what they have been programmed to think, is ‘right’.

The sad fact is that many do not even know that they’ve been programmed.

When they remain anesthetized due to deeply-instilled propaganda that has not been re-examined, they perpetuate the problem by not correcting it. If they hold misinformation close to their hearts and echo it to others, they are in need of Truth. If they tacitly agree with misinformation, because they are not totally sure, they are in need of Truth. If they remain silent in the presence of misinformation, because of gross non-enlightenment, they are in need of Truth. You can be the Truth bearer!

It is crucial for a representative to be erudite about Cannabis and its history, in order to be effective when the bill goes to the House floor for debate, and when casting the “Yea” vote in support of it – H.R. 1227, the Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition of 2017.

The obvious objective is to avoid as many “Nay” votes as possible, as well as “Present” – which means ‘abstain’. Of course, when one ‘abstains’, he or she is unprepared or unable to render a decision, and is leaving the outcome to those who do vote.

Yes, congressmen and congress-women are responsible for doing their homework and being well-informed; however – with 6,272 bills currently before Congress to be acted upon – it stands to reason that not every single one of these bills will muster maximum attention from each-and-every representative.

Thus, constituents need to voice their opinions and boost momentum for the bill’s passage. The sharing of information, facts, and Truth are needed to shed light on the darkness of deception.

When corresponding with representatives, it’s good to be able to mention something positive about their work. It’s a great way to open the communication, and I believe it to be refreshingly-appreciated, as they probably receive many complaints, as a result of the problematic times that we live in.

Finding an element of kinship when writing or speaking to them is a humanly-kind thing to do.

When writing to my representative, I shared facts from my newly-acquired knowledge about Cannabis – like the following:

  • President George Washington was a hemp and cannabis farmer.

  • A picture of hemp is featured on the back of the 1914, U.S., ten-dollar bill.

  • The name of ‘Cannabis’ was switched to ‘Marijuana’ as it came to be entered onto the schedule of drugs – as a schedule 1 drug – under the Controlled Substances Act of 1970. The misnaming of the plant was an act of deception against both the American people, and the American Medical Association. Had it been known that the Cannabis plant (widely used at the time for medicinal purposes, and present in the average citizen’s medicine cabinet) was about to be classified as a schedule 1 drug, the A.M.A. would have intervened and stopped the process. The A.M.A. simply did not know, because the plant had been deceptively misnamed and was unrecognizable.

  • Canadian citizen, Rick Simpson, demonstrated hundreds of times how Cannabis oil cured cancer and other diseases in himself and others.

  • In ancient China, battle wounds of soldiers were wrapped in Cannabis leaves – for fast healing.

  • Queen Victoria of England used Cannabis for PMS, and for morning sickness during pregnancy – without any effect on the fetus. She had nine children who appeared healthy as they led high-profile lives.

All things that help to enlighten and motivate others are steps in the right direction. A tidal wave of support for H.R. 1227 can effectively flood the trenches of propaganda and deception.

Do know that lobbyists will make their interests known, and it can be expected that Big Pharma will be front-and-center. But impact against this bill cannot be greater than the movement for it!

Would you STAND in support of H.R. 1227? <--- Click. Vote "YEA."

I have never needed to use this plant, but if I ever do, I want to know that it will be legally available. I do believe that Cannabis – in its natural, unadulterated form – and Hemp are on earth to help both humanity and the planet itself. I stand with the countless numbers who are in need of this plant for their well-being or for life, itself.


My Other Cannabis-Related Posts:

1. We Are The Message.

2. Check Out My Mom's Unique Anonymous Form of Cannabis Activism

3. Do You Support The Opioid Crisis In America?

4. A Native View of Cannabis Dosing

5. The Cannabis Conspiracy: My Anarchast Conversation With Jeff Berwick

6. Spicey, Cannabis-Infused Honey

7. Today, Mexico Legalized Medical Marijuana Nationwide

8. Happy Father's Day To The Father of Cannabis! Plus, How To Break Through THC-Shame and THC-Resistance

9. Curly Trichome Oil: An Open-Source Product Idea That Merges Cannabis And Curly Hair

10. Confessions Of A Psychonaut: Altered Consciousness PRECEDES Altered Culture

11. Controlled Substances, Or Controlled Consciousness?

12. A Post Inspired By Marijuana Mother Plants

13. Cannabis Is A Superfood. Get Seriously Nourished, Without Getting High

14. Easy, Yummy Canna-Smoothie

15. Why I Am So Thankful For Cannabis And Hemp

16. Cannabis Is A Contemplative Herb


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