What do we want ChainBB /f/cryptocurrency to be?

A little over 20 days ago, I created the cryptocurrency forum on ChainBB. Other than give it this description:

Our place on the blockchain to talk about all aspects of how cryptocurrency will improve our world.

I let it be to see what would happen. If you're reading this on Busy or Steemit, please click over to ChainBB to continue reading.

Right away, I started noticing a bunch of junk posts. They were mostly just someone copying and pasting content from either https://www.cryptocoinsnews.com or https://news.bitcoin.com/. They would copy the images and the text and usually link to the article at the bottom.

IMO, this is basically just crap content filling up the forum. Few if any replies, no engagement, no value.

I wanted to deal with it right away, but I was off to SteemFest. Now I'm back, and I want to start currating this ChainBB forum. I really think this could be a go-to place for original cryptocurrency discussions and insight. I don't want a newswire, I want a forum for discussion.

So here's what I'm going to start doing. I'm going to hide posts in the forum which appear to just be copy/paste from somewhere else. I understand this may mean there isn't much content here to start, and I'm okay with that. Why? Because it gives anyone writing valuable content about cryptocurrency an opportunity to get noticed. I'll be watching and voting on things I think bring value to the forum.

What I don't want to see is more of this.

Over the past 7 days, here's what I see in the Cryptocurrency forum:

AccountNumber of Posts

All of that, other than one post by @sinzzer asking a question about SMTs, seems to be just copy/paste junk from other websites. @huzaifa09 didn't even bother linking to sources, so that's just straight up plaigarism.

Is this the forum you want?

What if instead we just include valuable discussons about cryptocurrency?

After I post this I'm going to start hiding posts. Some may cry "censorship!" and get out their pitch forks to burn me at the stake while they see if I weigh more than a duck. If we want to have valuable discussions here, I think it's worth hiding content which isn't best suited for a forum. I'd rather see original content and if these authors want to have a place to copy and paste content from external sites, they can start their own forum for that purpose.

If they do that, I'll even link to it so people can find it.

Sound good?

Let me know what you think in the comments. I think we need more forums to talk about how cryptocurrency is changing the world and what better way to do it than on the STEEM blockhain while supporting a project like ChainBB?

Luke Stokes is a father, husband, business owner, programmer, STEEM witness, and voluntaryist who wants to help create a world we all want to live in. Visit UnderstandingBlockchainFreedom.com

I'm a Witness! Please vote for @lukestokes.mhth

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